How to Tap Into Your Intuitive Moxie Power by Valery Satterwhite,3166 Ugg Sheepskin Cuff Tall Black Boots
Everyone was born with the magical power of intuition. Intuition is a clear flow of wisdom available to you,can become great.". It is centered in your authenticity, true purpose and highest path,Take time to set and evaluate goals.
Following your intuition will help you avoid or rise above challenge and struggle as you create your life experience. Why ignore or throw intuition, that gut instinct, down the proverbial garbage disposal? What makes a person go against their instincts in favor of another choice that never results in a good outcome?
Have you ever said to yourself, "I should have trusted my gut?"
When you turn your back on your inner wisdom you turn your power over to your woefully misguided Inner Critic. Your intuition reflects your True Self - the generative force of what I playfully call your Moxie power.
Review the events of your life. Do you remember times when you felt the pull of a gut feeling that what you were about to do wasn't a good choice? Did you go ahead and act on that choice anyway? What happened as a result?
Did you ever listen to and acted upon that calm gut instinct? What was the outcome?
There is a clear distinction between calm, knowing intuitive wisdom and a thought based in fear and self-doubt. The latter will not feel good. You will feel a little sick to your stomach, frightened,and breakfast nook. It was a mess to clean up. Pay attention to how you feel to determine whether you are paying attention to the scaredy-cat Inner Critic or the wise intuitive True Self.
You have a higher level of responsibility for the consequences of your choices now that you are aware of the power of your intuition. You will know when any given circumstance is not in sync with your truth, your highest good.
Its not always easy to act upon your intuition. Often, the Inner Critic offers a path of least resistance, a choice that is less 'scary'.
Relying upon your intuition to weigh in on your choices and decisions takes guts - your Moxie power! Perhaps that's why the voice of your intuition, your inspiration is called a gut instinct.
Most children are not taught to rely on their inner wisdom. Instead, they are taught that they don't know much of anything yet. Told to only listen to and do what other people tell them to mutes inner knowledge. As children grow up they tend to ignore gut instinct. Even children who are aware of this intuitive resource often ignore it in favor of the dictates of others - or in order to please their influencers, primarily family elders and teachers. Often this advice is a 'play it safe' mentality that is the embodiment of their own Inner Critics.
Your intuition is available to you at all times. All you have to do is ask what your heart, your truth, wants to do instead of your head. Muster up your Moxie to center yourself, perhaps with a little deep breathing to quiet the chatterbox Inner Critic. Quiet your mind.
Out of the stillness you will hear the voice of your intuition, your innate wisdom. Then, and only then, make your decision and act.
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Friday, November 30, 2012
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
we all posses positive quality traits we all have a negative side as well. Of course
We Are All Special But
We are all equal in this world. There is no one better or at a topper level over others. This is the reason why our society encourages equality and respect for everyone. Their social background, ethnicity, gender,you may be feeling very "anonymous" in the new country., social status etc does not matter. We are also talented or gifted in some way or another. This is also the reason why we often hear successful people advice others to do what they love best. Since certain tasks come easier to us, we enjoy doing them more. Although, we are all created equal and talented in some areas it does not mean that you must not search inside yourself and try to fix things that bother or harm you in any way. This can be either directly or indirectly.
Like many things in life we are not perfect,3166 Ugg Sheepskin Cuff Tall Black Boots. Although, we all posses positive quality traits we all have a negative side as well. Of course, some people maybe more mature or focused than others. But, I assure you that no one is perfect. There is always something that affects us in a negative way that we can improve about ourselves. Some examples of this would be procrastination,and perhaps never can, poor stress management, communicational skills etc.
So,An additional one is, go ahead take a pen and paper, write down on what areas you could leave some room for improvement. Once you have and idea of what you would like to change to make your life better; make and implement a plan that will improve your overall outlook.
We are all equal in this world. There is no one better or at a topper level over others. This is the reason why our society encourages equality and respect for everyone. Their social background, ethnicity, gender,you may be feeling very "anonymous" in the new country., social status etc does not matter. We are also talented or gifted in some way or another. This is also the reason why we often hear successful people advice others to do what they love best. Since certain tasks come easier to us, we enjoy doing them more. Although, we are all created equal and talented in some areas it does not mean that you must not search inside yourself and try to fix things that bother or harm you in any way. This can be either directly or indirectly.
Like many things in life we are not perfect,3166 Ugg Sheepskin Cuff Tall Black Boots. Although, we all posses positive quality traits we all have a negative side as well. Of course, some people maybe more mature or focused than others. But, I assure you that no one is perfect. There is always something that affects us in a negative way that we can improve about ourselves. Some examples of this would be procrastination,and perhaps never can, poor stress management, communicational skills etc.
So,An additional one is, go ahead take a pen and paper, write down on what areas you could leave some room for improvement. Once you have and idea of what you would like to change to make your life better; make and implement a plan that will improve your overall outlook.
Monday, November 26, 2012
but accomplishing something extraordinary
How To Lose Weight, Make Money and Get Women
When deciding to write this article, I decided that I wanted to show all the things that not just getting in shape, but accomplishing something extraordinary,3166 Ugg Sheepskin Cuff Tall Black Boots, can do for you. If you are overweight and lose weight and get in shape, many incredible things begin to happen.
You see I have, in the last year, lost about 35 pounds. After the weight loss, I began to notice that things, once hard to accomplish, were starting to seem easy.
These were little things at first. I first noticed that I had more energy and looked better. But as time went on and I lost more weight, I realized that I had accomplished something I thought I never would. I had gotten myself in great shape, which has been an ongoing struggle of mine for a long time.
I then realized that I could probably accomplish all the things that I thought I couldn't. So this really started to get me excited. I began to think of all the possibilities out there. I began to think of things outside of health that I could accomplish.
I assume this is how many people have become extremely successful in life. They probably reached one seemingly unattainable goal and had this realization. Then they probably decided to shoot for higher and more complicated goals.
The more I thought about this, the more I thought that my weight loss could be the start of an entirely new personality and lifestyle for myself. I can become a person who gets things done,big and small., instead of someone always talking about what I want to do.
Here are just a few things that have come as a result of my weight loss.
I have increased confidence in myself.
I have started a new company that is off to a great start, profiting the first month in business.
Increased energy. I have twice the amount of energy I had when I was overweight.
I have started a muscle building plan. I am going to get in even better shape this year.
I have written a book, something that I have wanted to do for a long time.
My self control over everything is much greater. This means with eating, my temper and many other things,Ways that we can all continue to learn and grow into the person we desire to be are. I have much more control over my life.
I am able to help other people lose weight. I have wanted to help people somehow for a long time, and this gave me the confidence to do so.
Well, those are just a few of the things that something as simple as weight loss has done for me. Just imagine what you can do if you accomplish a goal such as weight loss or anything that you once thought you could not.
This form of thinking goes beyond weight loss. This could be something as simple as exercising everyday. Or it could be making a to do list everyday.
Any goal or achievement can be used to catapult yourself and your personality into a different realm of possibilities. It can be used to show yourself what unlimited possibilities there really are in life.
So my point is this. Set a goal you want to achieve and do it. Have this goal achieved within the next month or two. It can do amazing things for you and your life. Then you can use your newly achieved goals to help you lose weight, make money,heralding the arrival of so many more tears. It begins with just one, get women or accomplish anything else you want in life. You only get one life, so why not get started as soon as possible.
When deciding to write this article, I decided that I wanted to show all the things that not just getting in shape, but accomplishing something extraordinary,3166 Ugg Sheepskin Cuff Tall Black Boots, can do for you. If you are overweight and lose weight and get in shape, many incredible things begin to happen.
You see I have, in the last year, lost about 35 pounds. After the weight loss, I began to notice that things, once hard to accomplish, were starting to seem easy.
These were little things at first. I first noticed that I had more energy and looked better. But as time went on and I lost more weight, I realized that I had accomplished something I thought I never would. I had gotten myself in great shape, which has been an ongoing struggle of mine for a long time.
I then realized that I could probably accomplish all the things that I thought I couldn't. So this really started to get me excited. I began to think of all the possibilities out there. I began to think of things outside of health that I could accomplish.
I assume this is how many people have become extremely successful in life. They probably reached one seemingly unattainable goal and had this realization. Then they probably decided to shoot for higher and more complicated goals.
The more I thought about this, the more I thought that my weight loss could be the start of an entirely new personality and lifestyle for myself. I can become a person who gets things done,big and small., instead of someone always talking about what I want to do.
Here are just a few things that have come as a result of my weight loss.
I have increased confidence in myself.
I have started a new company that is off to a great start, profiting the first month in business.
Increased energy. I have twice the amount of energy I had when I was overweight.
I have started a muscle building plan. I am going to get in even better shape this year.
I have written a book, something that I have wanted to do for a long time.
My self control over everything is much greater. This means with eating, my temper and many other things,Ways that we can all continue to learn and grow into the person we desire to be are. I have much more control over my life.
I am able to help other people lose weight. I have wanted to help people somehow for a long time, and this gave me the confidence to do so.
Well, those are just a few of the things that something as simple as weight loss has done for me. Just imagine what you can do if you accomplish a goal such as weight loss or anything that you once thought you could not.
This form of thinking goes beyond weight loss. This could be something as simple as exercising everyday. Or it could be making a to do list everyday.
Any goal or achievement can be used to catapult yourself and your personality into a different realm of possibilities. It can be used to show yourself what unlimited possibilities there really are in life.
So my point is this. Set a goal you want to achieve and do it. Have this goal achieved within the next month or two. It can do amazing things for you and your life. Then you can use your newly achieved goals to help you lose weight, make money,heralding the arrival of so many more tears. It begins with just one, get women or accomplish anything else you want in life. You only get one life, so why not get started as soon as possible.
Friday, November 23, 2012
Didn't that make you feel special
Build Rapport Through Buzzwords
What if I told you that you could be more influential and powerful and all you'll have to remember one simple thing? To persuade your people, all you have to do is: "Cook their favorite meal before they're hungry..."
You're thinking, "What? Sure buddy, that makes no sense!" Well hang on, let me explain!
No one said that managing people was easy. Humans take pride in being complicated! If we weren't complicated, we wouldn't need lawyers or politicians, right? If you can understand a few human intricacies while avoiding unnecessary conflict,3166 Ugg Sheepskin Cuff Tall Black Boots, you'll be on the road to having your people on your side doing what you want now,if you like it!
The Trick
Has anyone ever remembered something about you that entirely caught you off guard? Perhaps it was your birthday, or a miniscule personal fact that you thought was an inaudible waste of breath. But, not only did they remember, but they conveyed their interest in you by asking you about it! Didn't that make you feel special? > It's a common experience, and often times an overlooked way to build rapport and we all know how important rapport is when persuading your people. All it takes is a little bit of effort and smart listening.
Buzzwords,What is the required qualification. Are You Listening?
Listen to the buzzwords (a.k,leaders must Guide their people.a keywords)...did they mention their favorite sports team? Their siblings? Their children? If so, remember the context, date and place, then write the information down before you forget! This information might come handy some day!
EXAMPLE: On Fridays, you may recognize this common conversation starter in the elevator ride down to the lobby: "So Charlie, what are you doing this weekend? Anything special?" If you ask the question, listen to the answer! Then remember their answer to follow up with them. You'll be shocked at the results! Then all of a sudden when you need their help on accomplishing your goals, they'll be much more likely to help since you've already built a great foundation. If they tell you a specific date, time, or event, remember it, then ask later! Whether it be a birthday, meeting, sporting event, or any other personal event. Think of it like a personal event list. It'll keep you on top of things. The next time you call a friend, business contact, or acquaintance, pull out your notes beforehand and refresh your memory. They'll be glowing if you say happy birthday or inquire about their child's graduation. You'll be shocked about all of the positive remarks that will be fumbling out of their mouth!
"Cook Their Favorite Meal Before They're Hungry..." So back to the basics: It's your job to find out more about
your people, your family, and your friends. One day they might indirectly mention how much they love a certain chocolate bar, or a favorite dish. They don't usually expect you to remember, but strive to remember and write down your findings.
A month or two later, make their favorite meal and watch their jaw drop when you tell them that you remembered. All of a sudden you've built a strong connection and have yet another person who'll be willing to help you on your road to success.
What if I told you that you could be more influential and powerful and all you'll have to remember one simple thing? To persuade your people, all you have to do is: "Cook their favorite meal before they're hungry..."
You're thinking, "What? Sure buddy, that makes no sense!" Well hang on, let me explain!
No one said that managing people was easy. Humans take pride in being complicated! If we weren't complicated, we wouldn't need lawyers or politicians, right? If you can understand a few human intricacies while avoiding unnecessary conflict,3166 Ugg Sheepskin Cuff Tall Black Boots, you'll be on the road to having your people on your side doing what you want now,if you like it!
The Trick
Has anyone ever remembered something about you that entirely caught you off guard? Perhaps it was your birthday, or a miniscule personal fact that you thought was an inaudible waste of breath. But, not only did they remember, but they conveyed their interest in you by asking you about it! Didn't that make you feel special? > It's a common experience, and often times an overlooked way to build rapport and we all know how important rapport is when persuading your people. All it takes is a little bit of effort and smart listening.
Buzzwords,What is the required qualification. Are You Listening?
Listen to the buzzwords (a.k,leaders must Guide their people.a keywords)...did they mention their favorite sports team? Their siblings? Their children? If so, remember the context, date and place, then write the information down before you forget! This information might come handy some day!
EXAMPLE: On Fridays, you may recognize this common conversation starter in the elevator ride down to the lobby: "So Charlie, what are you doing this weekend? Anything special?" If you ask the question, listen to the answer! Then remember their answer to follow up with them. You'll be shocked at the results! Then all of a sudden when you need their help on accomplishing your goals, they'll be much more likely to help since you've already built a great foundation. If they tell you a specific date, time, or event, remember it, then ask later! Whether it be a birthday, meeting, sporting event, or any other personal event. Think of it like a personal event list. It'll keep you on top of things. The next time you call a friend, business contact, or acquaintance, pull out your notes beforehand and refresh your memory. They'll be glowing if you say happy birthday or inquire about their child's graduation. You'll be shocked about all of the positive remarks that will be fumbling out of their mouth!
"Cook Their Favorite Meal Before They're Hungry..." So back to the basics: It's your job to find out more about
your people, your family, and your friends. One day they might indirectly mention how much they love a certain chocolate bar, or a favorite dish. They don't usually expect you to remember, but strive to remember and write down your findings.
A month or two later, make their favorite meal and watch their jaw drop when you tell them that you remembered. All of a sudden you've built a strong connection and have yet another person who'll be willing to help you on your road to success.
Thursday, November 22, 2012
Achieve success with your reset button. Re-load your goals
The Internet Behind Your Eyes
Imagine the Internet is some living creature and you receive messages through your own brain's USB port. What would you permit yourself to download?
You wouldn't want your head to be filled with web site information that doesn't interest you nor would do you any harm,and your life.,3166 Ugg Sheepskin Cuff Tall Black Boots, would you? Maybe you would benefit from a combination of practical self help and manifestation.
So you've downloaded your list of information into your memory. You choose to run the first application. But which one would you click first?
Maybe you would run "Happy family version one" to find it will not co exist with "Down the pub with my mates version three" nor "Being honest with my partner version 12" causes a malfunction with "You will tell me if, version six". Have some fun with these ideas.
Such conflicts in your life are like viruses in your PC. You pull up your firewall. We all know of individuals who live a restricted life created by their own experiences. You are limited only by your own thoughts, so are you at that point where your goals, desires and dreams keep disconnecting? Are you or others draining your power?
If you are searching for a personal development manual, there are many to choose. There are many gurus and systems. How do you choose the right manual for yourself? There is no easy answer. There is a saying that when you come to a forest, choose a path with downtrodden grass, where the mud shows. Maybe look at alternative route where the grass is still growing in places. You may arrive at some stepping stones and in the stream there are three routes from the middle stone to reach the other bank. Someone said they chose the route that was the least used and that produced the best results.
Back to your computer screen. If by using the keyboard and the mouse you can change what you see,Thus if you feel that you are a "victim" you have the power to change your reality, then maybe you can think yourself into a better life through an alternative mindset? You just need the manual.
Achieve success with your reset button. Re-load your goals, by discovering alternative knowledge and proven manifesting techniques that will change your life. The bookshelves are filled with hundreds if not thousands of personal development books. What does that tell you? There are many ways to achieve your goals.
It is your destiny to find the right forest path for you. Don't follow the trail prescribed by others. That path is all about them,it is easy to believe that their situation was all but preordained.. Open your mind and your heart to alternatives and seek your new Operating System, version 1.
Article by Mike Lindley
A Special Gift - "The Manifesting Mindset" pdf 51 pages from . Try 72 hours later
Imagine the Internet is some living creature and you receive messages through your own brain's USB port. What would you permit yourself to download?
You wouldn't want your head to be filled with web site information that doesn't interest you nor would do you any harm,and your life.,3166 Ugg Sheepskin Cuff Tall Black Boots, would you? Maybe you would benefit from a combination of practical self help and manifestation.
So you've downloaded your list of information into your memory. You choose to run the first application. But which one would you click first?
Maybe you would run "Happy family version one" to find it will not co exist with "Down the pub with my mates version three" nor "Being honest with my partner version 12" causes a malfunction with "You will tell me if, version six". Have some fun with these ideas.
Such conflicts in your life are like viruses in your PC. You pull up your firewall. We all know of individuals who live a restricted life created by their own experiences. You are limited only by your own thoughts, so are you at that point where your goals, desires and dreams keep disconnecting? Are you or others draining your power?
If you are searching for a personal development manual, there are many to choose. There are many gurus and systems. How do you choose the right manual for yourself? There is no easy answer. There is a saying that when you come to a forest, choose a path with downtrodden grass, where the mud shows. Maybe look at alternative route where the grass is still growing in places. You may arrive at some stepping stones and in the stream there are three routes from the middle stone to reach the other bank. Someone said they chose the route that was the least used and that produced the best results.
Back to your computer screen. If by using the keyboard and the mouse you can change what you see,Thus if you feel that you are a "victim" you have the power to change your reality, then maybe you can think yourself into a better life through an alternative mindset? You just need the manual.
Achieve success with your reset button. Re-load your goals, by discovering alternative knowledge and proven manifesting techniques that will change your life. The bookshelves are filled with hundreds if not thousands of personal development books. What does that tell you? There are many ways to achieve your goals.
It is your destiny to find the right forest path for you. Don't follow the trail prescribed by others. That path is all about them,it is easy to believe that their situation was all but preordained.. Open your mind and your heart to alternatives and seek your new Operating System, version 1.
Article by Mike Lindley
A Special Gift - "The Manifesting Mindset" pdf 51 pages from . Try 72 hours later
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Recently a new client came to me and spoke the words I've heard so many times before. "Molly
Loving Yourself by Molly Luffy
So many people yearn to create a life filled with meaning. And now, perhaps more than ever before in our history, people are waking up to their spiritual nature. They get that they are non-physical souls having a physical experience. They understand the Laws of the Universe and believe that they can create a life filled with purpose and passion. And many of these people have discovered the most spiritual walk of all; the journey to return to wholeness and peace; the journey to love themselves completely.
Recently a new client came to me and spoke the words I've heard so many times before. "Molly, I really want to love myself, but I don't know how." I can't tell you how many times I've heard this statement. Starting with me. Many years ago I woke up to the fact that my spiritual journey and search for answers led me right back to me. And when I realized that the real journey I needed to take was one of loving myself for who I was, I felt a little scared too,preferably 65% or more. But this feeling was overpowered by an incredibly strong sense of purpose and desire to take this journey,3166 Ugg Sheepskin Cuff Tall Black Boots. I felt driven, like I never had before, to figure out what it was going to take for me to love myself.
This journey started a number of years ago for me. I didn't have a handbook or a roadmap, but I was determined and kept working on it over time. I searched for strategies and ideas from spiritual teachings that resonated with me. I was brave and looked at my feelings and beliefs and things I was ashamed of. Eventually I became skilled in working with energy and I was able to let all of my shame and guilt go.
And boy am I glad that I did because life now looks completely different for me. Instead of beating myself up, my inner voice now has a dialogue that is supportive and loving in nature. When I find myself struggling with something and I notice that I'm getting frustrated, I soothe myself with kind and loving words. I know who I am now. Not as a wife or daughter or any of the other roles I play, but who I am at the core. And it feels really, really good. I am finally comfortable in my own skin!
My life has changed for the better in countless ways," Choose one completely inappropriate article of clothing. And now I am lucky enough to support others in their own journey to loving themselves. So if you are one of those people who is ready to take this journey, I'd like to support you with some questions and strategies to help you get started.
1. Commit to the process. Consider loving yourself and actively work on it as you would any other important goal.
2. Get in touch with your "Inner Critic." All of us having a running dialogue going on within our own minds. Oftentimes this voice delivers damaging and hurtful messages. In order to retrain your brain, focus your attention on what's going on inside of your mind. Create an inventory of beliefs, feelings and fears you'd like to release.
3. Release your shame and negative beliefs. Before you can effectively fill yourself with empowering thoughts and beliefs, you need to bulldoze those that aren't serving you,I could still declare that being glad and staying glad is my choice. If the truth be told. Learn how to work with energy - and then clear yourself of your Inner Critic Inventory.
4. Tame Your Inner Critic. Once you've started to rid yourself of the damaging thoughts, you can start to empower yourself with new uplifting beliefs. When you catch your Inner Critic doing its old negative song and dance - catch it - and say some uplifting words and retrain your Inner Critic to be your Inner Cheerleader!
When one owns up to the fact that they don't love themselves, it can feel scary and lonely. But facing it is the first step and the loneliness and scared feeling can be replaced by a sense of excitement and empowerment. Because loving yourself is spiritual gold. It's the key to the kingdom, the way to create a life that you love. Magic and miracles await you, if you're brave enough to walk this path.
So many people yearn to create a life filled with meaning. And now, perhaps more than ever before in our history, people are waking up to their spiritual nature. They get that they are non-physical souls having a physical experience. They understand the Laws of the Universe and believe that they can create a life filled with purpose and passion. And many of these people have discovered the most spiritual walk of all; the journey to return to wholeness and peace; the journey to love themselves completely.
Recently a new client came to me and spoke the words I've heard so many times before. "Molly, I really want to love myself, but I don't know how." I can't tell you how many times I've heard this statement. Starting with me. Many years ago I woke up to the fact that my spiritual journey and search for answers led me right back to me. And when I realized that the real journey I needed to take was one of loving myself for who I was, I felt a little scared too,preferably 65% or more. But this feeling was overpowered by an incredibly strong sense of purpose and desire to take this journey,3166 Ugg Sheepskin Cuff Tall Black Boots. I felt driven, like I never had before, to figure out what it was going to take for me to love myself.
This journey started a number of years ago for me. I didn't have a handbook or a roadmap, but I was determined and kept working on it over time. I searched for strategies and ideas from spiritual teachings that resonated with me. I was brave and looked at my feelings and beliefs and things I was ashamed of. Eventually I became skilled in working with energy and I was able to let all of my shame and guilt go.
And boy am I glad that I did because life now looks completely different for me. Instead of beating myself up, my inner voice now has a dialogue that is supportive and loving in nature. When I find myself struggling with something and I notice that I'm getting frustrated, I soothe myself with kind and loving words. I know who I am now. Not as a wife or daughter or any of the other roles I play, but who I am at the core. And it feels really, really good. I am finally comfortable in my own skin!
My life has changed for the better in countless ways," Choose one completely inappropriate article of clothing. And now I am lucky enough to support others in their own journey to loving themselves. So if you are one of those people who is ready to take this journey, I'd like to support you with some questions and strategies to help you get started.
1. Commit to the process. Consider loving yourself and actively work on it as you would any other important goal.
2. Get in touch with your "Inner Critic." All of us having a running dialogue going on within our own minds. Oftentimes this voice delivers damaging and hurtful messages. In order to retrain your brain, focus your attention on what's going on inside of your mind. Create an inventory of beliefs, feelings and fears you'd like to release.
3. Release your shame and negative beliefs. Before you can effectively fill yourself with empowering thoughts and beliefs, you need to bulldoze those that aren't serving you,I could still declare that being glad and staying glad is my choice. If the truth be told. Learn how to work with energy - and then clear yourself of your Inner Critic Inventory.
4. Tame Your Inner Critic. Once you've started to rid yourself of the damaging thoughts, you can start to empower yourself with new uplifting beliefs. When you catch your Inner Critic doing its old negative song and dance - catch it - and say some uplifting words and retrain your Inner Critic to be your Inner Cheerleader!
When one owns up to the fact that they don't love themselves, it can feel scary and lonely. But facing it is the first step and the loneliness and scared feeling can be replaced by a sense of excitement and empowerment. Because loving yourself is spiritual gold. It's the key to the kingdom, the way to create a life that you love. Magic and miracles await you, if you're brave enough to walk this path.
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Three Steps To An Above Average IQ Score
Have An Above Average IQ
What is the average IQ score? In theory the tests are designed so that half the population will score below 100 and half above,Mike Manjin, and are scored according to age of the test taker. Here is a breakdown of IQ scores in the typical population:
130 or higher: 2.2% of the population.
120-129: 6.7% of the population.
110-119: 16.1% of the population.
90-109 (Average): 50% of the population.
80-89: 16.1% of the population.
70-79: 6.7% of the population,3166 Ugg Sheepskin Cuff Tall Black Boots.
Below 70: 2.2% of the population.
Three Steps To An Above Average IQ Score
Is it possible for anyone to have an above average IQ score? Not likely. If you start at 70, for example, it would be tough to ever score over 100. The good news is that most people can raise their score somewhat from wherever they start. Here are three ways to do it:
1. Be a better test taker. Go through the test quickly. Skip over questions you aren't sure about, and return to them later. It's always better on a timed test to answer all the easy questions first. That way you don't eave several questions unanswered just because you spent too much time trying to get the answer to a tough one.
Always answer every question on multiple choice tests. When in doubt, first eliminate the answers that you know or suspect are incorrect, and then choose one of the remaining. If you eliminate two of four answers on a number of questions, you'll get half of those questions right on average.
2. Have the right conditions in place. Get good sleep before the test,In the 1960s, breath deeply through your nose, and sit up straight. These are shown to improve performance on almost any test. Eat fish too. Recent studies show that eating fish speeds up brain waves and increases concentration.
If you're allowed music, make it Mozart. If you can't have music during the test, listen to it just before. In one study, subjects who listened to Mozart's sonata for Two Pianos in D Major, K. 448 for ten minutes before an IQ test scored nine points higher. Do whatever you can to have your body and mind ready for the test.
3. Exercise your brain. This is a longer term strategy that assumes you can actually permanently improve your brain function and intelligence,walking in the woods, and thus increase your average IQ score. It's a safe assumption in my experience, and no harm will come from the effort.
One final tip. It is my experience that my score is higher on an IQ test the second or third time I take it. Why not practice by taking an online test the day before your scheduled test? I wouldn't be surprised if this bumps up the average IQ score by a point or two.
What is the average IQ score? In theory the tests are designed so that half the population will score below 100 and half above,Mike Manjin, and are scored according to age of the test taker. Here is a breakdown of IQ scores in the typical population:
130 or higher: 2.2% of the population.
120-129: 6.7% of the population.
110-119: 16.1% of the population.
90-109 (Average): 50% of the population.
80-89: 16.1% of the population.
70-79: 6.7% of the population,3166 Ugg Sheepskin Cuff Tall Black Boots.
Below 70: 2.2% of the population.
Three Steps To An Above Average IQ Score
Is it possible for anyone to have an above average IQ score? Not likely. If you start at 70, for example, it would be tough to ever score over 100. The good news is that most people can raise their score somewhat from wherever they start. Here are three ways to do it:
1. Be a better test taker. Go through the test quickly. Skip over questions you aren't sure about, and return to them later. It's always better on a timed test to answer all the easy questions first. That way you don't eave several questions unanswered just because you spent too much time trying to get the answer to a tough one.
Always answer every question on multiple choice tests. When in doubt, first eliminate the answers that you know or suspect are incorrect, and then choose one of the remaining. If you eliminate two of four answers on a number of questions, you'll get half of those questions right on average.
2. Have the right conditions in place. Get good sleep before the test,In the 1960s, breath deeply through your nose, and sit up straight. These are shown to improve performance on almost any test. Eat fish too. Recent studies show that eating fish speeds up brain waves and increases concentration.
If you're allowed music, make it Mozart. If you can't have music during the test, listen to it just before. In one study, subjects who listened to Mozart's sonata for Two Pianos in D Major, K. 448 for ten minutes before an IQ test scored nine points higher. Do whatever you can to have your body and mind ready for the test.
3. Exercise your brain. This is a longer term strategy that assumes you can actually permanently improve your brain function and intelligence,walking in the woods, and thus increase your average IQ score. It's a safe assumption in my experience, and no harm will come from the effort.
One final tip. It is my experience that my score is higher on an IQ test the second or third time I take it. Why not practice by taking an online test the day before your scheduled test? I wouldn't be surprised if this bumps up the average IQ score by a point or two.
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
How may I help you
How to Deliver Exceptional Customer Service
Having been in business a number of years, I'm amazed at the number of people who don't have the slightest idea of what customer service is,3166 Ugg Sheepskin Cuff Tall Black Boots. Customer service is not a way of doing things it's an attitude.
I always love it when company's send their people to seminars to learn about customer service. All the seminars will discuss the customer's needs and expectations and the orator will package these ideas as new and cutting edge when in fact these very ideas were in practice over 30 years ago!
Somewhere along the line, we forgot the customer in favor of the bottom line. Some of this may also be attributed to different mind sets over time and how people tend to treat one another.
Let me wax poetic here a moment. When was the last time you could go to a gas station and have an attendant in a white shirt and tie wait on you,if we hope to be happy and successful., check your oil, clean your windows, and fill your tires just as a way of saying thanks for your patronage?
More than likely the station you went to had an attendant who's appearance was disheveled, wearing more jewelry than you own, and here you are passing money through a bullet-proof panel!
It is said that Doctor's make the worst patients, well my friend I'm here to tell you that Customer Service people make the worst consumers! With all the customer service people I've known over the years from both sides of the fence there's a real lack of wanting to "champion" the cause of the customer. Few people posses that trait and those that do don't last long as they're viewed as oddities and pushed out in favor of the group consensus.
On the other hand, I have also met customers who no matter what approach you used they were bound and determined to make your life miserable. These people make the "fight" personal and will never be satisfied regardless of what you do.
Delivering great customer service is easy! We just need to get back to the basics that were laid down decades before what we'll call the tried and true methods.
How do you deliver great customer service?
Smile on the phone. This simple act will set the tone for the entire conversation.
How may I help you? You're asking their permission to assist them.
Use a proper salutation when talking to a customer unless permission is given otherwise, i.e,You will be surprised at how well this simple process works..: Mrs., Mr., Ms., Sir, etc.
Listen to their concerns. No one likes to be ignored. Everyone wants to know that not only are they being heard but that they're being understood as well.
Repeat back to the customer what it is you heard them say.
Be genuine. A lack of sincerity comes across easier than you think.
Care for your customer. If you think your customer needs you, you won't be in business long. This means what it says too many times I've been in meetings where this was paid lip service and its importance downplayed.
Put yourself in your customers shoes What are their concerns? Are they legitimate concerns? Do you have a plan to assist them?
Customers are looking to you to help them put to rest any fears, doubts, or apprehension they may have regarding a recommended repair, service, etc., do you posses the knowledge or skill to assist them? Often time people will try to guess at an answer rather than appear less knowledgeable when in all actuality the customer would prefer honesty.
Be honest and sincere in your deliberations with a customer. This one simple act will be welcomed like a breath of fresh air. You have got to know that by the time a customer has reached you they are upset and feel that they've been getting the runaround or have been lied to.
Never promise the customer anything you can't deliver. That goes equally for a follow up phone call. If you tell your customer you will call do it! Even if it's to tell them you have nothing to report. I don't have enough fingers to count the number of times a customer was surprised to get a return phone call.
Never forget what it's like to be a customer! We are all customers in one way or another and deserve the same respect we demand from others.
By doing these things you will inspire a customer base that's loyal and will return to you again and again. These customers will also provide the best free advertising imaginable word of mouth!
By the same token one bad customer recommendation can cost you a large number of potential sales by the time they're done spreading around how they were treated. Additionally, today's consumer has the advantage of the internet to not only entertain but to educate them as well,1. What's important to you about X.
This is not rocket science just basic common sense and treating people the way you would like to be treated. Somewhere along the line, we lost this concept, and along with that, revenue, repeat business, our initial customer base and free advertising.
If your customer genuinely feels wanted and appreciated, you have succeeded in delivering exceptional customer service and you will have set in motion a winning formula that will guarantee your success!
Having been in business a number of years, I'm amazed at the number of people who don't have the slightest idea of what customer service is,3166 Ugg Sheepskin Cuff Tall Black Boots. Customer service is not a way of doing things it's an attitude.
I always love it when company's send their people to seminars to learn about customer service. All the seminars will discuss the customer's needs and expectations and the orator will package these ideas as new and cutting edge when in fact these very ideas were in practice over 30 years ago!
Somewhere along the line, we forgot the customer in favor of the bottom line. Some of this may also be attributed to different mind sets over time and how people tend to treat one another.
Let me wax poetic here a moment. When was the last time you could go to a gas station and have an attendant in a white shirt and tie wait on you,if we hope to be happy and successful., check your oil, clean your windows, and fill your tires just as a way of saying thanks for your patronage?
More than likely the station you went to had an attendant who's appearance was disheveled, wearing more jewelry than you own, and here you are passing money through a bullet-proof panel!
It is said that Doctor's make the worst patients, well my friend I'm here to tell you that Customer Service people make the worst consumers! With all the customer service people I've known over the years from both sides of the fence there's a real lack of wanting to "champion" the cause of the customer. Few people posses that trait and those that do don't last long as they're viewed as oddities and pushed out in favor of the group consensus.
On the other hand, I have also met customers who no matter what approach you used they were bound and determined to make your life miserable. These people make the "fight" personal and will never be satisfied regardless of what you do.
Delivering great customer service is easy! We just need to get back to the basics that were laid down decades before what we'll call the tried and true methods.
How do you deliver great customer service?
Smile on the phone. This simple act will set the tone for the entire conversation.
How may I help you? You're asking their permission to assist them.
Use a proper salutation when talking to a customer unless permission is given otherwise, i.e,You will be surprised at how well this simple process works..: Mrs., Mr., Ms., Sir, etc.
Listen to their concerns. No one likes to be ignored. Everyone wants to know that not only are they being heard but that they're being understood as well.
Repeat back to the customer what it is you heard them say.
Be genuine. A lack of sincerity comes across easier than you think.
Care for your customer. If you think your customer needs you, you won't be in business long. This means what it says too many times I've been in meetings where this was paid lip service and its importance downplayed.
Put yourself in your customers shoes What are their concerns? Are they legitimate concerns? Do you have a plan to assist them?
Customers are looking to you to help them put to rest any fears, doubts, or apprehension they may have regarding a recommended repair, service, etc., do you posses the knowledge or skill to assist them? Often time people will try to guess at an answer rather than appear less knowledgeable when in all actuality the customer would prefer honesty.
Be honest and sincere in your deliberations with a customer. This one simple act will be welcomed like a breath of fresh air. You have got to know that by the time a customer has reached you they are upset and feel that they've been getting the runaround or have been lied to.
Never promise the customer anything you can't deliver. That goes equally for a follow up phone call. If you tell your customer you will call do it! Even if it's to tell them you have nothing to report. I don't have enough fingers to count the number of times a customer was surprised to get a return phone call.
Never forget what it's like to be a customer! We are all customers in one way or another and deserve the same respect we demand from others.
By doing these things you will inspire a customer base that's loyal and will return to you again and again. These customers will also provide the best free advertising imaginable word of mouth!
By the same token one bad customer recommendation can cost you a large number of potential sales by the time they're done spreading around how they were treated. Additionally, today's consumer has the advantage of the internet to not only entertain but to educate them as well,1. What's important to you about X.
This is not rocket science just basic common sense and treating people the way you would like to be treated. Somewhere along the line, we lost this concept, and along with that, revenue, repeat business, our initial customer base and free advertising.
If your customer genuinely feels wanted and appreciated, you have succeeded in delivering exceptional customer service and you will have set in motion a winning formula that will guarantee your success!
Sunday, November 11, 2012
stroke and many others. There are several diagnoses in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual IV
Stress Management
Have you ever said the words, "This job/my life is so stressful!" Or something else along those lines?
Most people believe that stress is something that happens in their lives. They believe it is the result of outside circumstances beyond their control. We are stressed if our work is too difficult. We get stressed when people in our lives aren't doing what we want them to do. We are stressed when it's been too long since a vacation. We get stress over deaths, weddings, major purchases and a host of other things. We talk as if stress is something outside ourselves---a condition of things in our external environment. It's not.
Health professionals will tell us that stress is a contributing factor in many physical ailments---heart attacks, asthma, high blood pressure, stroke and many others. There are several diagnoses in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual IV, the diagnostic tool of therapists and psychiatrists that describe many stress-related disorders,Who cares. Stress is a killer. Have you ever wondered why some people seem to handle stress better than others do?
One individual may have all the life circumstances purported to cause stress in one's life but seem to be just breezing through his or her day, seemingly without a care, while another person gets a flat tire on the way to work and has a total melt down. How can this be explained?
I intend to look at stress from a different perspective---a choice theory perspective.
According to Choice Theory, all behavior is purposeful. This means that no matter what we do it is a purposeful attempt to get something we want,3166 Ugg Sheepskin Cuff Tall Black Boots. We are never simply responding to outside stimuli.
You may ask, "What about when I flinch when I hear a loud noise?" The flinching is not a response to the noise,ideas in his chosen subject that have ever been, but rather your proactive way of staying safe. This may seem like I'm splitting hairs, but it is an important distinction to understand in this discussion of stress.
Let me give you another example. You may think you get mad at your child for not cleaning his or her room after you asked several times. It sure feels as if the anger is in direct response to your child's behavior. However, your anger is actually your best attempt to get your child to do what you want. By displaying angry behavior, it is your belief that your child will go ahead and clean up his or her room. Any behavior or emotion we employ is a proactive, sometimes conscious sometimes not, attempt to get something we want, not a response to external stimuli.
The same is true for stress. We are choosing stress as a proactive attempt to get something we want. This choice is almost never conscious, but I want it to become conscious for you. Once it is conscious, then you have the power to choose to do it differently if you so desire.
Since all behavior is purposeful, it helps to understand what possible benefits or purposes one could achieve by stressing. Who would ever choose that behavior for any benefit?
I say stressing can be motivating. Many of us perform at our peak level when we have that adrenalin rush moving through our veins. Anyone who has ever waited until the last minute to study for a test or complete a project knows what I'm talking about here.
Stressing can also be a way of telling others they better back off. I know when I felt stress, it was my unconscious goal to let my boss know she had better not ask me to do one more thing or I just might lose it! I would send out signals of overwhelm---lots of sighing, threatening looks, irritability, loss of humor. I have to admit that since I didn't do it very often, it was quite effective. Whenever I was stressed, my boss generally left me alone to do my work.
Stressing can also get us the help we need. When the message is out there, others may rally around us to support us. People may actually offer to do some things for us so we can reduce the overwhelm.
Another possible benefit is that stressing can provide us with recognition. People may say, "Wow, look at _____________. I don't know how he/she gets all that done. It's amazing!" There are some who appreciate this positive recognition.
One final thought on stressing benefits. . . When we stress long enough, we may develop physical symptoms. In Choice Theory, Dr. Glasser tells us that are behavior is total, meaning it is comprised of four inseparable component---the action, our thoughts, our feelings and the physiology of our body or whatever our body is doing at that moment. When we don't take care of managing our stress levels, our physiology takes over and creates physical symptoms for us. Now remember, I said all behavior is purposeful and physiology is a part of the total behavior. Do you understand the purpose of the physical symptoms that accompany prolonged stress? Of course, it is our body's way of telling us we have to stop or slow down. It produces the physical symptoms that are hard to ignore. When we attend to them, we get the rest we need and therefore reduce the stress,providence moves two. Once you begin to take action in the direction toward your success. Can you see how all behavior is purposeful?
If you are experiencing the effects of stress in your life, I am not suggesting that you are to blame. What I am saying is that up until this point, you have been doing absolutely the best you know how, consciously or unconsciously to get something you want by stressing. If you can pinpoint what the benefit(s) of stress is/are to you, then you can look at ways to get what you need without having to stress.
Have you ever said the words, "This job/my life is so stressful!" Or something else along those lines?
Most people believe that stress is something that happens in their lives. They believe it is the result of outside circumstances beyond their control. We are stressed if our work is too difficult. We get stressed when people in our lives aren't doing what we want them to do. We are stressed when it's been too long since a vacation. We get stress over deaths, weddings, major purchases and a host of other things. We talk as if stress is something outside ourselves---a condition of things in our external environment. It's not.
Health professionals will tell us that stress is a contributing factor in many physical ailments---heart attacks, asthma, high blood pressure, stroke and many others. There are several diagnoses in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual IV, the diagnostic tool of therapists and psychiatrists that describe many stress-related disorders,Who cares. Stress is a killer. Have you ever wondered why some people seem to handle stress better than others do?
One individual may have all the life circumstances purported to cause stress in one's life but seem to be just breezing through his or her day, seemingly without a care, while another person gets a flat tire on the way to work and has a total melt down. How can this be explained?
I intend to look at stress from a different perspective---a choice theory perspective.
According to Choice Theory, all behavior is purposeful. This means that no matter what we do it is a purposeful attempt to get something we want,3166 Ugg Sheepskin Cuff Tall Black Boots. We are never simply responding to outside stimuli.
You may ask, "What about when I flinch when I hear a loud noise?" The flinching is not a response to the noise,ideas in his chosen subject that have ever been, but rather your proactive way of staying safe. This may seem like I'm splitting hairs, but it is an important distinction to understand in this discussion of stress.
Let me give you another example. You may think you get mad at your child for not cleaning his or her room after you asked several times. It sure feels as if the anger is in direct response to your child's behavior. However, your anger is actually your best attempt to get your child to do what you want. By displaying angry behavior, it is your belief that your child will go ahead and clean up his or her room. Any behavior or emotion we employ is a proactive, sometimes conscious sometimes not, attempt to get something we want, not a response to external stimuli.
The same is true for stress. We are choosing stress as a proactive attempt to get something we want. This choice is almost never conscious, but I want it to become conscious for you. Once it is conscious, then you have the power to choose to do it differently if you so desire.
Since all behavior is purposeful, it helps to understand what possible benefits or purposes one could achieve by stressing. Who would ever choose that behavior for any benefit?
I say stressing can be motivating. Many of us perform at our peak level when we have that adrenalin rush moving through our veins. Anyone who has ever waited until the last minute to study for a test or complete a project knows what I'm talking about here.
Stressing can also be a way of telling others they better back off. I know when I felt stress, it was my unconscious goal to let my boss know she had better not ask me to do one more thing or I just might lose it! I would send out signals of overwhelm---lots of sighing, threatening looks, irritability, loss of humor. I have to admit that since I didn't do it very often, it was quite effective. Whenever I was stressed, my boss generally left me alone to do my work.
Stressing can also get us the help we need. When the message is out there, others may rally around us to support us. People may actually offer to do some things for us so we can reduce the overwhelm.
Another possible benefit is that stressing can provide us with recognition. People may say, "Wow, look at _____________. I don't know how he/she gets all that done. It's amazing!" There are some who appreciate this positive recognition.
One final thought on stressing benefits. . . When we stress long enough, we may develop physical symptoms. In Choice Theory, Dr. Glasser tells us that are behavior is total, meaning it is comprised of four inseparable component---the action, our thoughts, our feelings and the physiology of our body or whatever our body is doing at that moment. When we don't take care of managing our stress levels, our physiology takes over and creates physical symptoms for us. Now remember, I said all behavior is purposeful and physiology is a part of the total behavior. Do you understand the purpose of the physical symptoms that accompany prolonged stress? Of course, it is our body's way of telling us we have to stop or slow down. It produces the physical symptoms that are hard to ignore. When we attend to them, we get the rest we need and therefore reduce the stress,providence moves two. Once you begin to take action in the direction toward your success. Can you see how all behavior is purposeful?
If you are experiencing the effects of stress in your life, I am not suggesting that you are to blame. What I am saying is that up until this point, you have been doing absolutely the best you know how, consciously or unconsciously to get something you want by stressing. If you can pinpoint what the benefit(s) of stress is/are to you, then you can look at ways to get what you need without having to stress.
Friday, November 9, 2012
If you find yourself in this situation
How To Deal With Job Unhappiness by Catherine Trebble
There are many outside factors that can cause you to have to stay in a job you are unhappy with. One reason could be the timing. It could be that you need to get your finances in order first, you need the medical benefits your current job provides and you can't afford to risk losing those benefits for whatever reason, or perhaps you just need more time to get other aspects of your life in order before you think about making a change.
If you find yourself in this situation, the best thing you can do for yourself is to take time to analyze what makes you unhappy about your job and try to minimize those issues.
If you feel unhappy with your job,3166 Ugg Sheepskin Cuff Tall Black Boots, it could be that it is due to something or someone in particular. Perhaps you feel you are just bored and need more responsibility. Maybe you have determined that you need more education before you can make a change either within or outside of the company.
If you find yourself needing to stay in your current job for the time being, take some time to pinpoint what it is that is causing you unhappiness at your job and use your creativity and problem-solving skills to figure out how to reduce some of those sources of unhappiness. This will help you to know how to approach whatever issue it is that needs changing and create a plan of action.
If you work for a company, it is very likely that with some discussion with your supervisor or upper management, you can eliminate or minimize the source of your unhappiness.
Although there are many things that you feel are out of your control, we can control our own behavior. So if there is something about your job that you can't fix, look to yourself and see if there is a way you can adjust your own feelings or reactions so that you don't feel your usual negative feelings. Sometimes we can make ourselves feel a whole lot better with just a simple attitude adjustment.
It is also important to give your best. Just because you are unhappy with your current job doesn't mean you should slack off and act like a miserable employee,the first thing that comes to mind is meditation. Instead,Doesn't it make sense that the more senses you use while reading, take time to think about what you could do better. How can you improve? The simple act of doing your best and applying yourself to everything you do can be very uplifting-really!
When you know you have done a great job at something and are giving your all, it will create a sense of pride within yourself and help you to feel better about yourself. Focusing on what you can do better will also help keep you from thinking about the things you are not happy about at your job.
And of course there's nothing to stop you from continuing to make plans for the future. Just because you have to stay in your current job for now doesn't mean you can't plan to leave at some later time. Creating an exit plan for later on down the line when the timing is better for you will not only keep you motivated and give you something to look forward to, it will keep your mind busy and give you something more positive to think about. It will also give you something to do, even if it's just typing up your plan and creating goals that you will carry out at a later date,geranium.
There are many outside factors that can cause you to have to stay in a job you are unhappy with. One reason could be the timing. It could be that you need to get your finances in order first, you need the medical benefits your current job provides and you can't afford to risk losing those benefits for whatever reason, or perhaps you just need more time to get other aspects of your life in order before you think about making a change.
If you find yourself in this situation, the best thing you can do for yourself is to take time to analyze what makes you unhappy about your job and try to minimize those issues.
If you feel unhappy with your job,3166 Ugg Sheepskin Cuff Tall Black Boots, it could be that it is due to something or someone in particular. Perhaps you feel you are just bored and need more responsibility. Maybe you have determined that you need more education before you can make a change either within or outside of the company.
If you find yourself needing to stay in your current job for the time being, take some time to pinpoint what it is that is causing you unhappiness at your job and use your creativity and problem-solving skills to figure out how to reduce some of those sources of unhappiness. This will help you to know how to approach whatever issue it is that needs changing and create a plan of action.
If you work for a company, it is very likely that with some discussion with your supervisor or upper management, you can eliminate or minimize the source of your unhappiness.
Although there are many things that you feel are out of your control, we can control our own behavior. So if there is something about your job that you can't fix, look to yourself and see if there is a way you can adjust your own feelings or reactions so that you don't feel your usual negative feelings. Sometimes we can make ourselves feel a whole lot better with just a simple attitude adjustment.
It is also important to give your best. Just because you are unhappy with your current job doesn't mean you should slack off and act like a miserable employee,the first thing that comes to mind is meditation. Instead,Doesn't it make sense that the more senses you use while reading, take time to think about what you could do better. How can you improve? The simple act of doing your best and applying yourself to everything you do can be very uplifting-really!
When you know you have done a great job at something and are giving your all, it will create a sense of pride within yourself and help you to feel better about yourself. Focusing on what you can do better will also help keep you from thinking about the things you are not happy about at your job.
And of course there's nothing to stop you from continuing to make plans for the future. Just because you have to stay in your current job for now doesn't mean you can't plan to leave at some later time. Creating an exit plan for later on down the line when the timing is better for you will not only keep you motivated and give you something to look forward to, it will keep your mind busy and give you something more positive to think about. It will also give you something to do, even if it's just typing up your plan and creating goals that you will carry out at a later date,geranium.
Thursday, November 8, 2012
This is normal
Panic Attacks
The first step in helping yourself deal with panic attacks is to understand that anxiety and fear are normal emotions,3166 Ugg Sheepskin Cuff Tall Black Boots. These feelings are actually mechanisms to help, not hurt us.
This mechanism stems back to primitive man who was hunting wild animals for his food and surviving in the wild. When our ancestors were faced with the kind of dangers most of us can´t imagine now, the anxiety and fear triggered the fight/flight response and moved our ancestors into action to protect themselves, through fighting the oncoming danger or running.
The body takes over and you are able to respond to a threat with very little notice. Think about driving, we are able to swerve out of the way of oncoming dangers with very little notice or thought. We do things all the time in our lives, automatically, without much thought to avoid dangers. This is our highly attuned and trained body responding to danger.
Our nervous system triggers this instant action, surge of adrenalin and response but it also triggers a reaction that brings us back to calm when the danger passes. Eventually, regardless of the situation, your nervous system will seek to restore calm to your body,we're all insane. Does this sound familiar. Your body will not allow you to spiral endlessly in an ongoing surge of anxiety and fear.
Think about your panic attacks, did they last forever; did you continue to feel the effects forever? Of course not, your body realized there was no danger and triggered the calming effects of your nervous system.
During a panic attack you need to try to remind yourself that the effects you are feeling will not overwhelm your body.
For example, when having a panic attack, most people experience a shortness of breath or tightening of the chest. You feel like you can´t breathe so you become anxious about your breathing and fear you will stop breathing altogether.
This is the key - Your panic attack will not stop your breathing! Try holding your breath forever. You can´t do it, eventually your body forces you to take that gulp of air,There are mental disorders.
A panic attack is no different, you don´t need to take over for your body and tell yourself when to breathe,7. Be More Social. Your body will take care of that for you, don´t question it as you start breathing faster and faster and breathe deeper. This is your body feeding itself oxygen for its fight or flight response.
Panic attacks also trigger a rush of blood to your fight or flight muscle groups such as your thighs and calves so you can prepare to spring into action. This means blood is draining away from your fingertips, toes and skin leaving you feeling tingly and possibly numb. This sensation leads many to believe they are having a heart attack.
Fight or Flight response can make you feel dizzy as your blood rushes away from your head, can make you see stars as your pupils dilate and make you nauseous as your digestive system slows down.
This is normal, what´s not normal for panic attack sufferers are when the response is triggered. Panic attack sufferers have their fight or flight engines triggered in situations where it is unwarranted.
You can manage that and reduce the likelihood of your panic attacks by understanding what is happening and employing calming techniques.
The first step in helping yourself deal with panic attacks is to understand that anxiety and fear are normal emotions,3166 Ugg Sheepskin Cuff Tall Black Boots. These feelings are actually mechanisms to help, not hurt us.
This mechanism stems back to primitive man who was hunting wild animals for his food and surviving in the wild. When our ancestors were faced with the kind of dangers most of us can´t imagine now, the anxiety and fear triggered the fight/flight response and moved our ancestors into action to protect themselves, through fighting the oncoming danger or running.
The body takes over and you are able to respond to a threat with very little notice. Think about driving, we are able to swerve out of the way of oncoming dangers with very little notice or thought. We do things all the time in our lives, automatically, without much thought to avoid dangers. This is our highly attuned and trained body responding to danger.
Our nervous system triggers this instant action, surge of adrenalin and response but it also triggers a reaction that brings us back to calm when the danger passes. Eventually, regardless of the situation, your nervous system will seek to restore calm to your body,we're all insane. Does this sound familiar. Your body will not allow you to spiral endlessly in an ongoing surge of anxiety and fear.
Think about your panic attacks, did they last forever; did you continue to feel the effects forever? Of course not, your body realized there was no danger and triggered the calming effects of your nervous system.
During a panic attack you need to try to remind yourself that the effects you are feeling will not overwhelm your body.
For example, when having a panic attack, most people experience a shortness of breath or tightening of the chest. You feel like you can´t breathe so you become anxious about your breathing and fear you will stop breathing altogether.
This is the key - Your panic attack will not stop your breathing! Try holding your breath forever. You can´t do it, eventually your body forces you to take that gulp of air,There are mental disorders.
A panic attack is no different, you don´t need to take over for your body and tell yourself when to breathe,7. Be More Social. Your body will take care of that for you, don´t question it as you start breathing faster and faster and breathe deeper. This is your body feeding itself oxygen for its fight or flight response.
Panic attacks also trigger a rush of blood to your fight or flight muscle groups such as your thighs and calves so you can prepare to spring into action. This means blood is draining away from your fingertips, toes and skin leaving you feeling tingly and possibly numb. This sensation leads many to believe they are having a heart attack.
Fight or Flight response can make you feel dizzy as your blood rushes away from your head, can make you see stars as your pupils dilate and make you nauseous as your digestive system slows down.
This is normal, what´s not normal for panic attack sufferers are when the response is triggered. Panic attack sufferers have their fight or flight engines triggered in situations where it is unwarranted.
You can manage that and reduce the likelihood of your panic attacks by understanding what is happening and employing calming techniques.
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
600 minutes and 531
A Suicide Attempt A Minute
525,ultimately determining your level of happiness at home,600 minutes and 531,000 suicide attempts per year in the US . 21% of 12 year olds are sexually experienced. Among high school students 27% smoke cigarettes,3166 Ugg Sheepskin Cuff Tall Black Boots, 36% were passengers with an intoxicated driver, 1/3 were drunk in the last month, 26% smoked marijuana, 16% had used inhalants to get high. Road rage and air rage are front page news. While media and peer influences, the high divorce rate, latch-key children, and drug availability are part of the problem, biology plays a far greater role than has been previously recognized.
Public misconception, misinformation and prejudice are making the problem worse. Surgeon General Dr. Satcher is correct in stating that the stigma must be removed for mental disorders, as has been accomplished for cancer.
The medical and mental health professions are not responding to evolving knowledge. Many physicians say things like "I don't believe in depression" and deal with these individuals in a disparaging manner. Mental health practitioners contribute to the problem in four ways:
1) Not making all the diagnoses - in medical practice a person with high blood pressure and arthritis needs both problems treated. High blood pressure treatment would not be considered a failure if the arthritis symptoms continued, yet that's exactly what happens in mental health. A medication for one problem is expected to treat all of them. Every problem a person has makes every other problem worse. All their diagnoses need to be treated comprehensively.
2) Refusal to make diagnoses for fear of "labeling" someone. Many practitioners use their own criteria for making a diagnoses - like every internist defining diabetes in his/her own way.
3) Not keeping up with new information. Research is exploding, and many once held beliefs have turned out to be wrong. "Growing out of" Attention deficit disorder is a good example.
4) Reluctance to try techniques from other practitioners. I have treated thousands of individuals with the borderline personality disorder (BPD), likely a form of epilepsy with mood swings, anger problems, self-destructiveness and psychotic rage under stress. Many tragedies such as school shootings are due to the BPD. Medication combinations work extremely well, but the research information is rarely acknowledged and many psychiatrists are resistant to trying medical approaches that have been successful for other doctors and their patients.
The American Psychiatric Association has done an excellent job defining criteria for the major psychiatric diagnoses. Most Americans would be stunned to discover exactly how common these "disorders" are - and what the criteria are. More than one diagnosis is usually present. Many common diagnoses are likely not diseases at all,you need to improve your own communication skills., but survival genetics that have advantages in some environments and disadvantages in others. In today's high pressure society, these genetic traits have tremendous problems - like having fair skin in a sunny environment.
Attention deficit "disorder" is an excellent example. The brain location and some of the biochemistry have been identified. Untreated ADD usually leads to significant social and legal problems - particularly impulsive anger and substance abuse (30%). The "cognitive" generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) causes the individual to constantly worry and think. Being genetic it starts in childhood and continues through old age. These individuals always feel stressed, and commonly treat themselves with alcohol, food, and marijuana.
The information to make a huge difference with all these problems is available right now. Most of these diagnoses are treatable with the right combination of medication and counseling/brain retraining. While more research is always needed,One of my favorite quotes comes from John Powell. In his book, educating the public and doctors/mental health practitioners of what's already known can be done immediately, as has been done for other medical problems. If we don't, road rage and school shootings will stop being news.
525,ultimately determining your level of happiness at home,600 minutes and 531,000 suicide attempts per year in the US . 21% of 12 year olds are sexually experienced. Among high school students 27% smoke cigarettes,3166 Ugg Sheepskin Cuff Tall Black Boots, 36% were passengers with an intoxicated driver, 1/3 were drunk in the last month, 26% smoked marijuana, 16% had used inhalants to get high. Road rage and air rage are front page news. While media and peer influences, the high divorce rate, latch-key children, and drug availability are part of the problem, biology plays a far greater role than has been previously recognized.
Public misconception, misinformation and prejudice are making the problem worse. Surgeon General Dr. Satcher is correct in stating that the stigma must be removed for mental disorders, as has been accomplished for cancer.
The medical and mental health professions are not responding to evolving knowledge. Many physicians say things like "I don't believe in depression" and deal with these individuals in a disparaging manner. Mental health practitioners contribute to the problem in four ways:
1) Not making all the diagnoses - in medical practice a person with high blood pressure and arthritis needs both problems treated. High blood pressure treatment would not be considered a failure if the arthritis symptoms continued, yet that's exactly what happens in mental health. A medication for one problem is expected to treat all of them. Every problem a person has makes every other problem worse. All their diagnoses need to be treated comprehensively.
2) Refusal to make diagnoses for fear of "labeling" someone. Many practitioners use their own criteria for making a diagnoses - like every internist defining diabetes in his/her own way.
3) Not keeping up with new information. Research is exploding, and many once held beliefs have turned out to be wrong. "Growing out of" Attention deficit disorder is a good example.
4) Reluctance to try techniques from other practitioners. I have treated thousands of individuals with the borderline personality disorder (BPD), likely a form of epilepsy with mood swings, anger problems, self-destructiveness and psychotic rage under stress. Many tragedies such as school shootings are due to the BPD. Medication combinations work extremely well, but the research information is rarely acknowledged and many psychiatrists are resistant to trying medical approaches that have been successful for other doctors and their patients.
The American Psychiatric Association has done an excellent job defining criteria for the major psychiatric diagnoses. Most Americans would be stunned to discover exactly how common these "disorders" are - and what the criteria are. More than one diagnosis is usually present. Many common diagnoses are likely not diseases at all,you need to improve your own communication skills., but survival genetics that have advantages in some environments and disadvantages in others. In today's high pressure society, these genetic traits have tremendous problems - like having fair skin in a sunny environment.
Attention deficit "disorder" is an excellent example. The brain location and some of the biochemistry have been identified. Untreated ADD usually leads to significant social and legal problems - particularly impulsive anger and substance abuse (30%). The "cognitive" generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) causes the individual to constantly worry and think. Being genetic it starts in childhood and continues through old age. These individuals always feel stressed, and commonly treat themselves with alcohol, food, and marijuana.
The information to make a huge difference with all these problems is available right now. Most of these diagnoses are treatable with the right combination of medication and counseling/brain retraining. While more research is always needed,One of my favorite quotes comes from John Powell. In his book, educating the public and doctors/mental health practitioners of what's already known can be done immediately, as has been done for other medical problems. If we don't, road rage and school shootings will stop being news.
Monday, November 5, 2012
Do You Know That Our Imperfections Are What Makes Us Beautiful
Do You Know That Our Imperfections Are What Makes Us Beautiful? by Amy Twain
Angelina Jolie's bulging veins in her arms, Lindsay Lohan's freckles, and Megan Fox's thumb. Yes,3166 Ugg Sheepskin Cuff Tall Black Boots, guys--some of the most heavenly creatures you considered beautiful are not all...perfect.
If you think about what makes us beautiful, it can be our imperfections--those same things which makes us less perfect and unique. If you look at someone with perfect symmetry, bone structure and ideal proportions, sure, they can be eye-catching and surely attractive, but it can get boring sometimes, looking at them for such a long time. Sure, they captivate attention and make people take a second look, but that's it--after a while, it's no longer interesting, gradually, it becomes predictable.
The sight of perfection (since it's already so perfect and seem to be in place altogether already) makes you realize that there is no more to discover.
On the other hand, people get interested in the quirky, the unique and the unconventional. Plus,it will do you a world of good. When you're more confident, people love surprises every now and then,Evaluation is shown by a closed hand resting on the chin or cheek, so some defects and flaws tend to interest us, so it wouldn't hurt to be somebody different for once.
But of course, I'll be a hypocrite if I'll say that I don't want to be beautiful or more "enhanced". I won't say that I don't admire someone blessed with better genes. Or do I say that I don't get attracted to a hunky guy who looks like my favorite actor.
What I'm trying to impart here is to accept yourself for who you are despite your flaws, it's okay to have some features or parts enhanced, but love yourself for who you are, you with your quirks,and I must admit they did have a solid argument, your uniqueness and your flaws.
Love your moles (Marilyn Monroe stood out for that), your petite height (Natalie Portman), your not too perfect smile (Madonna's gap teeth) and be known for that. Remember, your imperfections are what makes us beautiful!
Perhaps you should rethink about your botox treatment for your forehead, and simply laugh those brow lines away!
Angelina Jolie's bulging veins in her arms, Lindsay Lohan's freckles, and Megan Fox's thumb. Yes,3166 Ugg Sheepskin Cuff Tall Black Boots, guys--some of the most heavenly creatures you considered beautiful are not all...perfect.
If you think about what makes us beautiful, it can be our imperfections--those same things which makes us less perfect and unique. If you look at someone with perfect symmetry, bone structure and ideal proportions, sure, they can be eye-catching and surely attractive, but it can get boring sometimes, looking at them for such a long time. Sure, they captivate attention and make people take a second look, but that's it--after a while, it's no longer interesting, gradually, it becomes predictable.
The sight of perfection (since it's already so perfect and seem to be in place altogether already) makes you realize that there is no more to discover.
On the other hand, people get interested in the quirky, the unique and the unconventional. Plus,it will do you a world of good. When you're more confident, people love surprises every now and then,Evaluation is shown by a closed hand resting on the chin or cheek, so some defects and flaws tend to interest us, so it wouldn't hurt to be somebody different for once.
But of course, I'll be a hypocrite if I'll say that I don't want to be beautiful or more "enhanced". I won't say that I don't admire someone blessed with better genes. Or do I say that I don't get attracted to a hunky guy who looks like my favorite actor.
What I'm trying to impart here is to accept yourself for who you are despite your flaws, it's okay to have some features or parts enhanced, but love yourself for who you are, you with your quirks,and I must admit they did have a solid argument, your uniqueness and your flaws.
Love your moles (Marilyn Monroe stood out for that), your petite height (Natalie Portman), your not too perfect smile (Madonna's gap teeth) and be known for that. Remember, your imperfections are what makes us beautiful!
Perhaps you should rethink about your botox treatment for your forehead, and simply laugh those brow lines away!
Saturday, November 3, 2012
You may publish my article in your newsletter
What Sets Chinese Painting Apart From Western Painting
Because of different instruments, materials and cultural background,3166 Ugg Sheepskin Cuff Tall Black Boots,you need to realize that marriage does not prevent divorce, Chinese paintings have their own image and content in comparison to other types of paintings. Unique appearance of Chinese Painting owes much to the use of the Chinese writing brush and the Chinese paper (rice and silk). There are four essential elements used in the creation of Chinese Painting, the brush, ink, paper, and the ink stone. Lacking any of them the job cannot be done.
The most important factors for Chinese Painting are the special pedagogy, the close relationship with the painter's personality and the unique Chinese philosophy. They are trained not only to convey the objects but also express the mood and the spirit of the subject. The Chinese also believe that the painting is the expression of the painter's knowledge and temperament. In this way, Chinese Painting becomes something much more than art.
The most essential philosophy of China is the unity of Heaven, Earth and Human Beings. What the Chinese Painters are trying to express is not what meets the eye, but their attitude to the Great Nature. The Chinese painter has a profound love and admiration for nature. It is part of their culture, religious practices and their need to depend on nature to survive.
In relationship to human and animal figures, the Chinese painter utilizes the forms he finds in nature, such as ovals, circles, and geometric lines which are found also found in Chinese calligraphy. Thus, all Chinese paintings whether they are landscapes or the human figure are painted with the same movement, rhythm, and harmony that is used when drawing the forms of calligraphy. Calligraphy is a form of art, even more revered and honored than all other painting,I do my best to recall my time at the ward. It reminds me that there are others.
In the same theme they may spend hours contemplating and drawing inspiration from the figures of nature such as humming birds with their fragile wings, the robust legs of the cricket, and the fascinating form of the praying mantis. From the minor or simple creatures that are chosen as subjects of art work, we can see how they enjoy the nature and the love they devote to the most humble things.
The Chinese painter finds it offensive to contemplate and draw the human figure by itself. Human beings are part of the surrounding heavens and earth. They are all together. That is why Chinese paintings are simple in composition and full of harmony, overall balance and peace with all of creation. They are interested in the mood and spirit,The audience is the reason that you are afraid of making your presentation.
Copyright 2004 Ernesto Apomayta
Publishing guidelines: You may publish my article in your newsletter, on your website, or in your print publication provided you include the resource box at the end. Notification would be appreciated but is not required.
Because of different instruments, materials and cultural background,3166 Ugg Sheepskin Cuff Tall Black Boots,you need to realize that marriage does not prevent divorce, Chinese paintings have their own image and content in comparison to other types of paintings. Unique appearance of Chinese Painting owes much to the use of the Chinese writing brush and the Chinese paper (rice and silk). There are four essential elements used in the creation of Chinese Painting, the brush, ink, paper, and the ink stone. Lacking any of them the job cannot be done.
The most important factors for Chinese Painting are the special pedagogy, the close relationship with the painter's personality and the unique Chinese philosophy. They are trained not only to convey the objects but also express the mood and the spirit of the subject. The Chinese also believe that the painting is the expression of the painter's knowledge and temperament. In this way, Chinese Painting becomes something much more than art.
The most essential philosophy of China is the unity of Heaven, Earth and Human Beings. What the Chinese Painters are trying to express is not what meets the eye, but their attitude to the Great Nature. The Chinese painter has a profound love and admiration for nature. It is part of their culture, religious practices and their need to depend on nature to survive.
In relationship to human and animal figures, the Chinese painter utilizes the forms he finds in nature, such as ovals, circles, and geometric lines which are found also found in Chinese calligraphy. Thus, all Chinese paintings whether they are landscapes or the human figure are painted with the same movement, rhythm, and harmony that is used when drawing the forms of calligraphy. Calligraphy is a form of art, even more revered and honored than all other painting,I do my best to recall my time at the ward. It reminds me that there are others.
In the same theme they may spend hours contemplating and drawing inspiration from the figures of nature such as humming birds with their fragile wings, the robust legs of the cricket, and the fascinating form of the praying mantis. From the minor or simple creatures that are chosen as subjects of art work, we can see how they enjoy the nature and the love they devote to the most humble things.
The Chinese painter finds it offensive to contemplate and draw the human figure by itself. Human beings are part of the surrounding heavens and earth. They are all together. That is why Chinese paintings are simple in composition and full of harmony, overall balance and peace with all of creation. They are interested in the mood and spirit,The audience is the reason that you are afraid of making your presentation.
Copyright 2004 Ernesto Apomayta
Publishing guidelines: You may publish my article in your newsletter, on your website, or in your print publication provided you include the resource box at the end. Notification would be appreciated but is not required.
Friday, November 2, 2012
"let bygones be bygones".
Let Go Of The Past And Look To The New Year
Do not begin the New Year by mentioning to yourself or others
all your losses and sorrows,3166 Ugg Sheepskin Cuff Tall Black Boots. You must let the past go...
If a good friend gave you a present (say a nice new pair
of shoes) would you insult her by throwing them aside and
describing all the beautiful pairs of shoes you have had
and already worn out in the past?
The New Year has given you the structure and material for a
fresh start in life, why dwell upon the events which have
already long gone, as the saying goes
"let bygones be bygones".
A "bygone" is something which has already happened; the time
when it happened has "gone by".
Do Not Tell Me It Is Too Late To Be Successful Or Happy
Do not tell me you are sick or broken in spirit; the spirit
cannot be sick or broken,Smoking, because it is of energy.
Forget about all the money you may have lost, the mistakes
you have made, the injuries you have received, the
disappointments you have experienced...
It is unreasonable and untrue to imagine destiny has
selected you for any special kind of suffering. Say to
yourself with the beginning of this year that you are
going to consider all your troubles as an education for
your mind and that you are going to use them as lessons
with witch to learn from.
Do Not Tell Me You Are Too Old
Age is all imagination. Ignore years and they will ignore
you. Eat moderately,"Everybody was kung-fu fighting. Exercise thoroughly and regularly.
Be alive, from tip to toe. Breathe deeply, filling every
cell of the lungs for at least five minutes, morning and
night, and when you draw in long, full breaths, believe
you are inhaling health, wisdom, success and courage.
Anticipate good health. If it does not come at once,
consider it a mere temporary delay, and continue to
expect it,your work or outside work interests.
If you will study your own mind and its limitless powers,
you will gain a secret which shall give you whatever you
Think of your body as the silver jewel box, your mind as
the silver lining, your spirit as the gem. Keep the box
polished and clear of dust, but remember always that the
jewel within is the precious part of it.
Think of yourself as arriving just at the entrance or
gate of never-ending success. A full, clear and
glorious year lies right before you...
In a year you can gain health, fortune, calmness
and happiness!
Do not begin the New Year by mentioning to yourself or others
all your losses and sorrows,3166 Ugg Sheepskin Cuff Tall Black Boots. You must let the past go...
If a good friend gave you a present (say a nice new pair
of shoes) would you insult her by throwing them aside and
describing all the beautiful pairs of shoes you have had
and already worn out in the past?
The New Year has given you the structure and material for a
fresh start in life, why dwell upon the events which have
already long gone, as the saying goes
"let bygones be bygones".
A "bygone" is something which has already happened; the time
when it happened has "gone by".
Do Not Tell Me It Is Too Late To Be Successful Or Happy
Do not tell me you are sick or broken in spirit; the spirit
cannot be sick or broken,Smoking, because it is of energy.
Forget about all the money you may have lost, the mistakes
you have made, the injuries you have received, the
disappointments you have experienced...
It is unreasonable and untrue to imagine destiny has
selected you for any special kind of suffering. Say to
yourself with the beginning of this year that you are
going to consider all your troubles as an education for
your mind and that you are going to use them as lessons
with witch to learn from.
Do Not Tell Me You Are Too Old
Age is all imagination. Ignore years and they will ignore
you. Eat moderately,"Everybody was kung-fu fighting. Exercise thoroughly and regularly.
Be alive, from tip to toe. Breathe deeply, filling every
cell of the lungs for at least five minutes, morning and
night, and when you draw in long, full breaths, believe
you are inhaling health, wisdom, success and courage.
Anticipate good health. If it does not come at once,
consider it a mere temporary delay, and continue to
expect it,your work or outside work interests.
If you will study your own mind and its limitless powers,
you will gain a secret which shall give you whatever you
Think of your body as the silver jewel box, your mind as
the silver lining, your spirit as the gem. Keep the box
polished and clear of dust, but remember always that the
jewel within is the precious part of it.
Think of yourself as arriving just at the entrance or
gate of never-ending success. A full, clear and
glorious year lies right before you...
In a year you can gain health, fortune, calmness
and happiness!
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