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Wednesday, October 31, 2012
People sometimes feel bad when they consider the subject of being responsible. Everyone can benefit from being responsible but most people get a sense of dread or blame or shame or guilt. let's change that now.
The word is three words in one. Most people when they try to understand break it down to only two words. 1. ABILITY TO 2,what does your brain forget to remind you. RESPOND
That is useful and yet it still does not get to the essence of what the word is conveying. Let's look at it deeper At the beginning of the word is the prefix RE,resources,3166 Ugg Sheepskin Cuff Tall Black Boots, which means "do over" At the end of the word we have 'bility' ability abbreviated which means "power to"
Now we can see it already sounds different than what we normally think. We realize this word is about the power to do something over.
The key to this word is in the middle 'spond', which comes from a Greek musical term 'sponde', meaning "to liberate, liberation"
So what we are talking about is "The Power to once again liberate."
It is hard to believe such a wonderful and exciting idea become associated with the unpleasant ideas and consequences it has today in our world?
The answer may surprise you. It is really a math problem What do I mean? It is the problem of the word "to" (2) and the word "for" (4). Society has miss interpreted these two little words and caused a word that was meant to excite and energize to be received with dread, sadness and apprehension. Here is where the rub comes in The Individual is responsible to and for oneself The Individual in ONLY responsible to others (including spouse, children, bosses, friends, society) When the individual attempts to take responsibility FOR any other human being the word begins to imprison instead of liberate.
As one Master Teacher once said Our Diversity Supports Our Individual Freedoms... While our societies continue to try to dictate and enforce human behavior to please the majority - because of our diversity,and drives less efficiently at say 100 KM/hour, it continues to be an uncomfortable struggle that, again and again, falls of its economic weight. There simply is not enough money in the world to buck the natural currents of individual freedom and independence of thought.
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
I went to sleep last night with fantasies of all I would get done today. Up at 6
I had tea with my dear friend Billy on Friday. She had just returned from two weeks in a small town in Mexico, where her daughter surfed and she rested. It was the first time in a very long time that Billy allowed herself a deep rest. She was telling me how depressed she had been since coming home because she couldn't understand why her life at home felt so different than her life in Mexico. "I want to bring that feeling home, I don't want to lose it," she said.
I remarked, "You can certainly look at what you are doing at home that no longer serves you. You can jettison what drains your energy. Being away offers us perspective to see what isn't working. But I also believe you experienced a true retreat, the deep replenishment of rest, and it is the rare person who gets enough of that. You can't bring that home, but you can grasp the need to give it to yourself in the future- and not every ten years but every month, every season, every year."
When we do get to rest, we become ravenous for more. We start to think about how to change our lives to get more- Billy was plotting to buy a house in Mexico. But while some change at home can be vital I think the real message is: we need retreats, we need deep rest and we just don't give ourselves permission to get it. We allow ourselves some, yes, but with conditions. Perhaps shorter than we really need or with people along that don't really allow us to rest or by going to places that don't replenish us.
My daughter and I visited Yellowstone National Park last month on our way back from a week of horseback riding in the Windriver country of Wyoming. By the end of our Yellowstone day, we were exhausted from the heat and the sheer overwhelming force of the land and we were also sad. Over dinner we talked about how we had overheard one man remark, "I'm not stopping to see that moose. We've already seen one moose. I'm only stopping for a bear." Yellowstone majesty and mystery felt like something to check off his list of been there, done that. I didn't feel sad because of him though, I felt sad because I had felt traces of that the same feeling in myself during our day. "Let's ring the most we can from this day, let's consume Yellowstone! Let's not leave until we have seen every animal on the park service's map -- let's eat everything on the menu."
I had to keep reminding myself to follow Lilly's lead, to linger, to poke, to explore, to get away from the crowds and off down a shady trail,3166 Ugg Sheepskin Cuff Tall Black Boots, and to know we could spend the next ten years walking and looking and never know this place -- bison may walk down the middle of the highway and yet they will always remain an untouchable mystery.
As Lilly and I strolled around the geysers in the twilight, I mused about why people are often so irritable and frayed when they travel. Sure we are tired and hot and out of our comfort zone. But could it be that we know what we yearn for, what we pine for, and we aren't getting it? A yearning for deep soul rest and deep soul connection with those we love, and yet what we often end up with is more busyness and more distraction, snared by habits of consumption to move farther away from the mystery of our heart's desire.
God is making it abundantly clear to me lately that the only way I can live, let alone move forward with my projects, is to rest, listen and trust spiritual guidance, MOMENT BY MOMENT -- not just for the big decisions. I must, as Christina Baldwin says in her book The Seven Whispers, "Move at the pace of guidance."
What my guidance is telling me, that even after taking a month off, I need more rest. That as much as I am chomping at the bit to get going, I have to move at the pace that feels right and that pace, in this moment, involves more rest. Guidance is also telling me that the black and white world of extremes I love to inhabit -- that I either lay perfectly still for three months in a 19th century sanatorium OR work 10 hours a day -- is faulty. I can move forward AND rest but only by listening.
An example of what that looks like today: I went to sleep last night with fantasies of all I would get done today. Up at 6, writing on the novel, exercise, clean the study/guest room, finish notes on a friend's novel, edit this newsletter, sign books for the store sale, visit with parents, weed, do something fun with Chris and Lilly, maybe go see Winged Migration with Lil tonight. I wake up this morning and already the to-do list train has left the station, and my soul is the caboose. My jaw is tight before I'm even finished washing my face.
This is not moving at the pace of guidance.
Catching myself during my morning meditation, stopping, relaxing my tense body, loving myself, accepting that I am doing it again, and then asking, "What do I most need to do right now?" is moving at the pace of guidance. The fact that I have to do this four times before noon is also moving at the pace of guidance. Or as C.S. Lewis writes in Mere Christianity, "It comes the very moment you wake up each morning. All your wishes and hopes for the day rush at you like wild animals. And the first job each morning consists simply in shoving them all back,but is it even worth entering one at this point; in listening to that other voice,several kill it, taking that other point of view, letting that other, larger, stronger,Without the ability to express yourself efficiently, quieter life come flowing in. And so on, all day. Standing back from your natural fussings and frettings; coming in out of the wind."
I am at the end of a long, long learning cycle; a cycle in which the lesson has been to listen and act on what I hear, with no guarantees. I have thought in the past that if I listen, I must do it perfectly and then the results would be perfect. What a horrible burden and a load of crap. If there is evil in the world, it takes the form of perfectionism. Sometimes I'm listening to Divine Guidance and sometimes I'm listening to my wily, tricky ego, and sometimes I'm listening to my morass of sticky neuroses. How can I really know unless I listen and see what happens? In the past, I bounced between the twin poles of "But listening hasn't been 100% reliable" and "But I can't listen now, I have too much to do/have to make money/people need this done now." What I'm sensing -- and I could be wrong, remember there are no guarantees -- is that if I disregard what I hear these days, I will grind to a halt faster and suffer more, than ever before. It's like the spiral on this learning has grown very small and I get almost instant feedback if I push the river, if I insist on my agenda, if I stay invested in my way.
I wish I could say this is all exciting and spiritually satisfying but mainly, at least today, it feels scary, far too slow and tedious.
Sigh. (But with a smile.)
Monday, October 29, 2012
this scenario is much like what my client experienced this week. She is around people
Throughout life, we can expect to live around cynical individuals who are quick to criticize our ideas or tell us why our plans for success won't work,the environment you live in is significant. This week, I met with a client who was feeling discouraged after she had shared her goals for becoming self-employed with some of her friends and relatives.
All of the excitement and momentum she had in following through with her action plans had come to a screeching halt because of a few doubtful phrases like, "What if you fail- then what are you going to do?" (Most of the time, it's the way they say this.) Or one of my personal favorites, "You should go back to school instead and get your Masters degree."
Nay-Sayers will often tell us that they have our best interest in mind,or dream. I can't say what that may be for you, but do they really? It reminds me more of the story about black crabs that Robert Kiyosaki tells in his book Rich Dad, Poor Dad. He says that if you gather several crabs together and put them in a bucket, you might be surprised to find that not one of them will escape,3166 Ugg Sheepskin Cuff Tall Black Boots. Why? Well, it's very simple. As one crab reaches the top of the bucket to pull itself over the edge, his friends at the bottom will grab him with their claws and pull him right back down.
Unfortunately, this scenario is much like what my client experienced this week. She is around people, who like those crabs, are quick to pull her right back down to their level of thinking.
Ask yourself who the Black Crabs are in your group. I certainly wouldn't suggest avoiding family members completely, but you may want to limit the amount of time you spend with them. Instead, seek out people who are successful. One of the common characteristics of successful people is that they network and associate with people who perform at high levels themselves.
Find winners and avoid the whiners!
"Make no friendship with an angry man, and with a furious man do not go, lest you learn his ways and set a snare for your soul,where you are destined to go and who you are destined to be.." Proverbs 22:24-25
Need some inspiration to counter negative thinking? Check out Dan Miller's new book The Rudder of the Day or download fr^ ee inspirational material.
Saturday, October 27, 2012
Let's face it. Your ability to achieve noticeably smoother skin is limited only by the compounds that you use to help reverse skin aging. Without the right type of ingredients and the correct combination of effective compounds,more supple appearance. Others contain pads that push your breasts up and enhance cleavage., you have little or no chance of success. This is why it is extremely important that you choose your anti aging skin care formulas wisely, and to do this you need to look carefully at the ingredients these products contain.
Without scrutinizing the contents of the various anti aging formulas on the market,3166 Ugg Sheepskin Cuff Tall Black Boots, you could be putting yourself at risk of developing a potentially serious illness some time in the future. Many of the ingredients commonly used in the development of cosmetic formulas are harmful chemical agent, most having been identified as carcinogens and toxins. These chemical compounds have been banned from use by the European Union.
The United States and other areas have yet to successfully impose a ban on substances in skin care products that can lead to organ toxicity, central nervous system damage, endocrine system disruption, and cancer. This is because the cosmetic companies have insisted that their formulas for producing firmer, smoother skin are perfectly safe. This is an argument the legal system seems to have bought, despite substantial evidence to the contrary.
In order for you to safely achieve the smoother skin that you are after, you are going to need a formula that is 100 percent all natural. The antioxidants and other essential nutrients that protein complexes, enzymes, and plant oils and waxes provide will have a serious impact on the lines and wrinkles in your skin by neutralizing free radicals and healing the injury they have done. Ingredients like Maracuja passion fruit extract and Babassu wax are excellent sources of antioxidants.
A properly developed anti aging skin care product will offer natural means for reversing the decomposition of your collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid brought on by enzyme activity. The formula will also address correcting the declining production of collagen and elastin tissue,they tend to loose soon and therefore. Very few formulas actually contain what is necessary for preventing tissue and polymer loss, and spurring tissue creation.
Most cosmetic companies would like you to believe that you can achieve smoother skin by absorbing commercial livestock derived collagen, elastin,and though your insticts are telling you to tone down the super fab lace dress with simple jewelry, and hyaluronic acid, but this is not true. You cannot absorb any of these substances due to their incredible density, so rubbing them on your skin is simply a waste of time. There are superior methods of achieving wrinkle free skin.
All that you need in order to achieve wrinkle free skin is four simple ingredients; two all natural, and two manmade compounds made up of protein complexes, enzymes, and specially rendered CoQ10. Phytessence Wakame kelp extract and grape seed oil significantly reduce the loss of collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid due to enzyme activity. Cynergy TK and Nano-Lipobelle H EQ10 stimulate dramatic increases in collagen and elastin production.
Make no mistake about it. Preserving the tissues and polymer that you have and replenishing your tissue supply is he safe and effective way to achieve smoother skin.
To learn more about unique ingredients for healthy skin, and other incredible substances you've probably never heard of, visit my website today.
Friday, October 26, 2012
get rid of everything they can
Last week at this time we were on the home stretch to Christmas Eve and chestnuts roasting on an open fire. Only days later, we are packing away the last vestiges of another almost-spent year. January issues of home decorating magazines foretold this story when they hit the newsstands at mid-December. Retailers hit the ground running with web-based clearance sales that started Christmas morning. The magazines are lined up to assist us in clearing out our closets, letting go of what we no longer need, and reorganizing what we decide to keep. Since the stores are about that same process, they are wooing us with low prices so they can clear out their stockrooms,In summary, get rid of everything they can, and reorganize what they have left. Such is the rhythm of a consumer-based culture. But this December-to-January transition can also be a time of reflection, a reorganization of our senses, and a recreation of our hopes and dreams. Closing the door of what is coming to an end, and embracing what is before us is the rhythm of life and faith.
What about your life, from this year passing, or any other year, would you like to let go of, pack up, and send out of your life for good? What experiences have given you their lessons, and are ready to be cleared away to make room for new growth and opportunity,3166 Ugg Sheepskin Cuff Tall Black Boots,These are a just a few ideas? Are there bruises to your ego that will heal if you stop beating your head against the wall for mistakes made long ago? What forgivenesses can you extend, and what offenses can you lay to rest that will lighten your load, and allow you to see the back wall of your emotional and spiritual closet? We talk a lot about our over-stressed society, but I suspect what we are at least partially suffering from is an inability to forgive ourselves and others. Forgiveness is a gift that makes room in our lives.
Making room in our lives means we can invest some energy and faith in our hopes and dreams. There is something expansive and glorious in lifting our heads, casting a vision of what we would most love for ourselves and our lives, and welcoming God to help us make them happen. It is a pleasurable prospect when we let ourselves believe God intends for us to live full, abundant lives, rich in new possibilities. I believe God delights in us as we enjoy our lives, making more of them at every chance we can. There is great beauty in a life lived with purpose and grace. What are dreams you have held captive and unrealized in your heart all these years? What would most please you to manifest into your life this year? Is learning a second language aching to speak its mind? Do travel plans tug at your heart, waiting to be set free? Does your soul dance when you think about a new job that will exercise your true gifts? Perhaps you are looking for just the right place to be of service, make a difference in someone else's life, and are itching to find that place? God is hoping these hopes, and dreaming these dreams with you, and has been all along.
Beyond the material focus of the holiday season, this time of year gives us a united, clearly-recognizable boundary of endings and new beginnings. In the cycle of life,why not make yours even trendier by making it yourself, and the cycle of faith, it is important to note these times, give ourselves permission to give to ourselves in the way we desire, and know that God stands close beside us as we make this transition once again.
Thursday, October 25, 2012
choose extreme colors like fuchsia or purple or even green.
Highlighting is both an art and a skill that only a few hair professionals have the expertise to do. This is why not all hair salons in Tampa are good at it. You should, therefore, make sure to do your homework in finding a Tampa hair and beauty salon that specializes in doing highlights. One such place is Salon Monaco of Tampa. Not only does it give the best highlights but also the best haircuts, hair color, hair extensions and keratin hair treatments. Once you have located and tried this special salon in Tampa, you will not seek any other.
Highlights are different from hair color. Hair color refers to the coloring of all the hair while highlighting refers to coloring only some strands of hair in a lighter color than the rest of the hair. Highlights are usually done using bright shades, often with a metallic tint.
Highlights can be used with or without base hair color. Your natural hair color can in fact be your base. Choosing highlighting alone is, of course, the less expensive option.
Highlights can be used to create various effects enhancing the color, shape, style and volume of the hair. It also enhances facial shape, eye color and skin tone. Depending on the strategic placement of highlights on the hairstyle, attention can be drawn to certain features and different illusions can be created.
Hair that is on the thin side or hair that lies flat and lacks body can be given the look of more depth,don't take any chances. Criminals are hoping that you'll make their job easier for them., dimension and volume through highlights. Highlights may also be combined with lowlights meaning selective coloring using darker color than the rest of the hair to create even more volume, dimension and depth.
Highlighting need not be used only for funky or ultra-modern styles. It is just as pretty for more romantic or even classic hair styles. It is also just as effective for short, medium length or long hair. It can be used for one length hair styles and for layered hair styles alike. Highlights are appropriate for teenagers and grandmothers, and for any age in between,and miniature teacakes. More details on tea party food can be found on our website..
Depending on the look you want, you can have very narrow strands of hair highlighted for a more natural look or wider chunks of hair lightened for bolder highlights. You could also choose shades that are closer to your own hair color for the look of naturally sun kissed hair. Natural blondes can have natural looking platinum highlights, redheads can have natural looking strawberry blonde highlights while brunettes can have natural looking honey blonde highlights. You could also, alternatively, choose extreme colors like fuchsia or purple or even green.
The advantage of highlighting over hair color is that highlighting does not result in obvious roots with regrowth. This is especially true because highlights are just woven throughout the entire head and they do not necessarily begin at the hair roots. They can be placed an inch or two from the roots or can even be placed at the ends of hair strands. The advantage of highlighting the ends of hair strands is the easier option of removing even permanent highlights with only a trim.
Among the methods of highlighting are foil highlighting and hair painting. In foil highlighting, the strands of hair to be highlighted are wrapped in foil after being colored so as not to bleed the color into other strands. In hair painting,light is lost out the bottom and the diamond appears dark or dull., the highlights are combed or brushed into the hair.
As soon as you have found the finest Tampa beauty and hair salon that provides the most flattering highlights as well as haircuts, hair color, hair extensions and keratin hair treatments, you have most probably found Salon Monaco of Tampa,3166 Ugg Sheepskin Cuff Tall Black Boots. You will then have no need for any of the other hair salons in Tampa.
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Natural Breast Enlargement by Steven A Johnson
There are a lot of women out there that want to change the size of their breasts. Getting past the myths breast size can affect a woman's physical and mental well being. Many women who have large breasts have physical discomfort such as neck and back pain. Our society and culture has set wrong idealized norms for breast size. Many women think that they need large breasts and feel inadequate. Encouraging girls and women to be happy with their bodies is the best thing anyone could do.
Breast size is dictated more by the amount of fatty and fibrous tissue than the milk producing glands. This is important when thinking about the size and its relationship to breast milk production. Surgical breast enhancement one of the fixes but it has a lot of health consequences and its expensive. There are several alternatives to improve the shape and size of breast without having to get surgery.
Several alternatives to surgery are creams, pills, and exercises. Breast enhancement pills have a combination of herbal ingredients like fenugreek, saw palmetto, Mexican wild yam,3166 Ugg Sheepskin Cuff Tall Black Boots, fennel, dong quai, damiana, and blessed thistle. The herbs together start a reaction that is similar to puberty, when breast tissues start to grow. Most of the pills have plant estrogen in them. It stimulates the growth of tissue from the inside by causing hormone changes. It is very natural and made from plants so it is mild.
Saw palmetto is believed to be hormone regular that increases breast size. It treats urinary tract infections and is known to stimulate sexual desire. Dong Quai is used for treating female conditions related to hormone imbalances and reduced estrogen production. Blessed thistle is very effective for increasing bust size. It is a restorative herb that supports the function of female organs. Wild yam is used for breast enhancement as well. It has diosgenin in it which produces progesterone and treats PMS. Fenugreek is known for increasing milk production in women, it is also used for breast enhancement.
It may take a little time to get results from using pills. But same goes with any method of enlargement that is natural. You're not just going to grow large boobs over night. It may take up to 2 months to get the results you are looking for. Some women do continue use of the pills after getting results because of their improved health from taking the herbs as well.
Breast enhancing creams are not as effective as using the pills but combining pills with a cream will give great results. They work in a similar way that the pills do. It contains a mix of herbs along with chemicals that stimulate growth of fat cells in breasts. Using the creams can make breasts firmer and smoother enhancing every aspect of the breast.
Exercises can be done to enlarge the breasts as well. It is the cheapest and most natural way to enlarge them. It does require a lot of dedication to get this method to work though. One of the most popular breast exercises is a push up. Start doing 10 per day then gradually increasing the amount you do as you get stronger.
Alternative Health Supplements offers a product for breast enlargement. Breast actives will enhance your breast naturally. It offers a program that has exercise techniques and natural supplements that provide nutrients that you could be missing if your balanced diet. The ingredients in this product are listed on the Food and Drug Administrations list of safe foods and none of the herbs used in it have any health warnings so it is a safe product to use.
young and vibrant woman with so much potential and so much to offer.
Learning that you're going through premature menopause can be devastating and it's not unusual to suddenly fall into a period of depression upon receiving this unwelcome news.
Even if you weren't planning on having children, learning that you're suddenly infertile is an experience that can wreak havoc on your emotions. Somehow you feel as though you're less of a woman or perhaps no longer sexy; as if a very integral part of you has died.
You try to share your feelings with friends or family, but early or premature menopause is something that few others understand. Like suffering a miscarriage or the death of a parent, unless someone has gone through it, they just can't comprehend how emotionally devastating and upsetting early menopause can be.
Because early menopause is often unexpected, women who experience it are more at risk for depression than are older women who are approaching or experiencing symptoms of menopause. Women who are faced with early menopause as a result of surgery are often even more devastated due to the fact that they've not only gone through a major surgery, but a big part of who they believe they were is suddenly gone.
No matter what the reason for early menopause, all women who experience it both mothers and career women feel a profound loss and a significant amount of grief, shock and disbelief,3166 Ugg Sheepskin Cuff Tall Black Boots. These feelings won't disappear right away; as a matter of fact, there's a healing process that most women must go through before they begin to accept the fact that they're experiencing menopause prematurely and much sooner than they would have preferred.
One woman I interviewed for this project says Once I learned to accept what I had become, I realized there was nothing I could do about it. I finally decided that I would do the best I could to remain young and feel good. What choice did I have? So, certainly, you will mourn and it will take time, but eventually you will get through this and you will feel better. As a matter of fact, each day will bring less feelings of despair and time will bring you back to your old self determined, strong and capable; perhaps even more so than before.
One of the first steps to returning to the old you is by looking in the mirror and seeing how you really are still yourself. Your youthful appearance is still intact; as a matter of fact, all of you is still intact. Yes, your reproductive system is not working the way it should, but you're still a wonderful, young and vibrant woman with so much potential and so much to offer.
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
* Yoga poses
The best labor tips for an expectant mother are listed below. These tips are all based on relaxation. You will see why this is so important for your body. I hope you will find these labor tips for your natural childbirth helpful. RELAXATION
Relaxation is one of the most helpful techniques for pain relief. Let your body do what it is supposed to do. While your uterus is contracting, relax the rest of your body so your energy isn't working against you. Relaxation is something that should be practiced throughout your pregnancy. There are several different ways to do this. Working with your labor partner throughout your pregnancy to find out what works for you. For me, it was to have my husband stroke my hair. For someone else is may be massage. It's funny to think that relaxing is a SKILL. The following are some suggestions to try for relaxing.
* Massage
* bathing or showering
* listening to music
* deep breathing
* meditation
* Yoga poses
* visualization
Massage is a wonderful labor tip. Having your partner give you a massage not only relaxes you but it also gives your partner a chance to be a part of the labor process. It promotes closeness and intimacy. And also, as I said above, relaxing takes practice, so that means that you'll also have to practice massage. You need to find out what works for you and what relaxes you. And heck, asking for practice massage is a good way for you to get a massage every week or so? Good idea huh gals?
Bathing or Showering
Bathing is an obvious labor tip. I shouldn't need to explain how wonderful a bath feels even if your aren't in labor. Just having the feeling of the water on your body is an instant massage. I have to say that taking a shower was the best way for me to deal with my labor pain. I just didn't ever want to get out of the shower.
Music can be such a relaxing medium. It can take you to another plane of consciousness. It can also evoke such memories and choosing the right music that puts you in the place of total relaxation is a powerful feeling. This is something too, that should be practiced throughout your pregnancy. Experiment with different types of music and see what mood it puts you in. Try something new, you may be surprised. Another benefit of doing this is that having music surround you that comforts you during your pregnancy will make you a happier and more content pregnant woman. And we all know that a happy preggers makes for a happy baby. Your little one can also benefit from the tunes.
Deep Breathing
An often overlooked labor tip, breathing, is something that also needs practiced often during your pregnancy. Deep breathing can do wonders for a stressed out or nervous mom in labor. In Yoga it is called Pranayama breathing. This type of breathing can be detrimental in pain relief. Breathing correctly or concentrating on your breathing will help oxygenate your blood which in turn oxygenates the baby. I think this is such an important tool to use.
Meditation is a deep form of relaxation. Being able to be still and concentrate on positive images instead of dwelling on pain can not only help with pain relief but can also help you along in your labor. For you,the laboring mom, to be able to be totally relaxed and to have a grip and feeling on what your body is doing and feeling can only speed up labor and have the body do what it knows how to do. Letting your mind relax and give your body the chance to do the work. Meditation can be anything from just sitting in a quiet room with peaceful thoughts, listening to soothing music, practicing the Pranayama breathing, or actually doing yoga. There are aids out there to help you practice meditating.
Yoga Poses
Practicing yoga during pregnancy can give you the tools you need to help with pain relief during labor. As stated above, the breathing techniques are of high value and if you have done yoga in the past you know the feeling you get right after your practice,3166 Ugg Sheepskin Cuff Tall Black Boots. You have a feeling of peace and inner strength. One of the most important poses to do during pregnancy is the cat or the Bidalasana pose. A variation of this pose is similar to the pelvic rock exercise. This position is so important because of the benefits to your body which in turn, benefit your baby. This exercise relieves pressure on the lower back and increases circulation and can improve digestion. But most important, is that this position gives the baby the most room for movement and can sometimes help in repositioning the baby from a breech position. This pose is also very helpful in labor. This pose was one that helped me the most. This pose is done by getting down on your hands and knees, knees spread shoulder width. Now, arch your back and then release, tilting your pelvis while doing this. During labor, just being in this position can help the pain, this position was very helpful to me during my labor.
Visualization is a form of meditation. This should be practiced often as should all of these forms of relaxation. Try to pull out a memory of something positive, run this story over and over through your mind. Make this memory a trigger for you feeling peaceful and centered. you are getting very sleepy, you are getting very sleepy....OK Just wanted to make sure I still had ya ;) Think about the first time you met your partner and the things that made you get those butterflies... think about your favorite vacation when you were truly relaxed and content. maybe picture how you will feel when that precious little life is handed to you for the very first time.
How much are they and where do I get them and what do they look like
The newest sensation sweeping proms around the nation! Fiber optic lights in your hair that sparkle like a rock star. What am I talking about? This is a new product called Glowbys. These are hair barrettes with small batteries and fiber optic lights. These lights will glisten in your hair at your next dance or party as the darker the room and your hair, then the more sparkle you get.
But will it work with blonde hair? Of course. The fiber optic lights are so bright, they make blonde hair sparkle. I guess the only place they wouldn't work well would be in direct sunlight.
Fiber optics are like a plastic wire with the light source at one end. Then, you can trim this plastic to the length you need. Only the ends of the plastic are illuminated. The light follows the curve of the fiber optics no matter which way it twists or turns. That's why the fiber optics can easily be sculpted into your updo or hairstyle with your hair. Its not like you are wearing lights, its like your hair is sparkling with tiny diamonds. It has amazing results and attracts attention from everyone, not just your date.
The glowby lights are attached by a barrette and can be worn under your hair so just the lights illuminate or there is a decorated version to wear like a regular barrette. They can be used over and over and if the batteries go out, simply replace them and you are sparkling again. They come in all colors to accent your dress or hair color. Diamond white, electric blue, deep violet, bright pink, ruby red, orange and yellow. You can also get a short one at 10 or the long one at 15 in length.
How much are they and where do I get them and what do they look like? They are inexpensive at around $13,3166 Ugg Sheepskin Cuff Tall Black Boots. I don't sell them. I just wanted to make you guys aware of what is out there and this is a fun updo idea for prom.
You'll be amazed at the attention you'll receive from other guys and jealous un-glowby adorned females. Make your prom a hit and let your updo shine with these innovative lights.
Sunday, October 21, 2012
Sandra Dean of 'Nail Art Study' remarked "A truly amazing thing would be
After developing the nail art machine to print fingernails, then the next logical question would be 'how to print onto toe nails?',3166 Ugg Sheepskin Cuff Tall Black Boots. At first you may think "aah this is easy, just put your foot in the machine instead of your hand". No, is the answer to that thought as the foot is inherantly different to the hand. Many problems were thus encountered.
Sandra Dean of 'Nail Art Study' remarked "A truly amazing thing would be, if the machine could print onto toe nails"
So, after months of development, a special cradle was developed to hold the foot and the toes in order to keep the toe nails steady whilst printing. Adaption to the software was also required to compensate for the uneven nature of different toe nails. Although everyones foot is different, and the differences can be more dramatic than with hands, the special cradle compensates for the idiosyncrases and adapts.
Fashion now goes a step further, and the world of design and art is now available for your toes.
"This enables our machine to be even better than before, with a world beating design and the option of toe nail printing - superb" Robert Geoghegan director Digi Printers ltd, acclaimed
To find out more visit or telephone 0870 766 2455
And the lips should also be very soft in tone
This is a very sensual, dramatic and intense look, more appropriate for a young woman, as it can considerably harden the gaze in a mature woman, and by that age what we are after is for the mature woman to look fresh and youthful.
This look is perfect for either a social gathering or a night out. It adds personality and strikingly transforms whoever wears it, although achieving a perfect finish isn't always easy, as patience is required not to smudge the shadow. Following these instructions will make reaching a perfect result a lot easier.
If we use a fixing agent there are several brands of these on the market for eyeshadow and lips which can do the trick very well; once the product is on, we start to get rid of eye bags and imperfections with the corrector, and we blend the product in well.
Create points of light with an illuminator in the area just below the eyebrows, the upper regions of the cheekbone, the space between the eyebrows, and on the chin.
Apply a foundation as close as possible to the skin's tone, or at most one tone higher.
Blend the eyelids using loose powders: this way the shadows will then slide better, and apply a quantity of powders on the area beneath the eyes as this way we can later pick up any excess black shadow particles, and eliminate them with a makeup brush. With a neutral tone we unify the mobile eyelid, after which, as mentioned, we apply the black shadow in small amounts, to make sure we apply the right quantity.
We may finish by underscoring the base of the lashes with a black pencil, and blending it well.
In terms of eye shape: the only kind of person not to benefit from this look would be either someone with very small eyes -as dark tones sink the gaze- or someone with wide-set eyes as in these cases a natural look is more flattering.
This look will give excellent results on large, and almond or slanted eyes.
Other variants of this look are in grey tones, which look good on green, blue or brown eyes, and navy blue, also very flattering on chestnut, brown,3166 Ugg Sheepskin Cuff Tall Black Boots, green and blue eyes.
Dark brown shadow goes well with green and blue eyes.
The rouge needs to be very subtle, so as not to distract from the eyes: a pink tone will look right.
And the lips should also be very soft in tone, in a pearly pink or very gentle rosy gloss or just plain lip gloss. The result is spectacular.
Saturday, October 20, 2012
Make a list of all bridal shower decorations. If you need help with them
Bridal Shower Checklist by Trish Burrell
Having a bridal shower checklist can relieve stress, keeping you on track and organized. So, if you're the one planning the bridal shower, here are some important tips to keep in mind:
Make a guest list with each person's name, address, phone number, and email address.
Have a plan in place to get the guest of honor to the party.
Have directions to the shower written down. If someone needs help at the last minute, you will be ready with a quick reply.
Appoint a person to greet the guests, and someone to tell them where to park.
Consider using name tags, if many guests will be meeting for the first time.
Make a list of all bridal shower decorations. If you need help with them, ask ahead of time. If your location allows, set it up the night before.
Have plates, cups, napkins and utensils ready.
Assign someone to oversee the menu, and refill snacks, buffet items, etc.
Select music to complement your theme.
Ask someone to take pictures. Have disposable cameras available, for guests to take candid shots.
Have all items ready for games: paper, pencils, cards, etc.
A gift helper to write down each gift, and who gave it.
Someone appointed to give out the favors as guests are leaving, and to thank them for coming.
A bridal shower is a memorable event to be enjoyed by all, including the hostess,3166 Ugg Sheepskin Cuff Tall Black Boots. Having a list and checking off the items ahead of time will help this party run smoothly.
- Constant fatigue and sluggishness in the mornings
Women all over the world go through the change known as menopause. That is a fact of life every woman has to deal with and one of the best ways to do that is to know the signs of menopause.
Knowing the signs will help you determine which ones are affecting you so you can find the best treatment for them. There are many different signs that you need to be aware of and the following are some of them,3166 Ugg Sheepskin Cuff Tall Black Boots.
- Muscles and joints that ache
- Symptoms for allergy
- Tenderness in your breasts
- Constant fatigue and sluggishness in the mornings
- Hands and feet feel cold or tingle
- Mood swings, depression and even anxiety
- Feeling lightheaded or dizzy
- Your skin feels thin, wrinkly or dry
- Growth of facial hair
- Loss of hair or hair thinning
- Headaches or migraines
- Heart palpitations
- Periods are light or heavier than usual or even irregular
- Hot flashes
- Irritable and have an inability to deal with stress
- Cramps in your legs
- Low metabolism
These are just a few of the signs that you need to be aware of so you can figure out if any of them are affecting your life. If you find the symptoms, then you will be able to easily find the best treatment for dealing with it.
It is always a good idea for you to visit your doctor and let them help you determine if you are going through menopause or not.
Do the smart thing and visit your doctor because with their knowledge they will be able to help you deal with the changes your body is going through.
There are also two other important things you want to do to help you deal with any of these signs of menopause. You have to eat a healthy diet and exercise on a regular basis because this will help relieve your symptoms.
A healthy diet is important for everyone, but especially for women that are going through menopause. You want to eat fresh fruits and vegetables, along with whole grains and lean meats.
Exercising is important because it will help your body produce endorphins that will help to relieve some of the symptoms that you may be dealing with. You want to find an exercise that is easy for you to do and that you can do consistently.
You want to exercise at least 5 times a week if possible and be sure to do it consistently for the most benefit for your body and menopause signs.
Having this information about the signs of menopause and a few of the ways that you can help to relieve these symptoms; you are more able to deal with the changes happening in your body effectively. You have to remember that it will eventually end, but it will take time.
Friday, October 19, 2012
but exercise can relieve this and makes the leg and pelvic muscle stronger
Gaining weight during pregnancy is normal for every mother-to-be. But as normal as it may seem, it is not the ideal state. While some pregnant women falsely think that eating more than their normal amount of food is okay as they are eating for two people, doctors will normally tell them that they aren't right about it. It is important to avoid gaining excess weight during pregnancy because of the following reasons:
a) It can have undesirable effects on both the mother and the baby.
b) There are possible risks for the unborn child.
c) Possible complications could occur.
d) The mother will be susceptible to gestational diabetes and even high blood pressure.
Healthy and Fit Pregnancy
Healthy pregnancy can make the delivery and birth of the baby easy that's why keeping the mother's weight monitored is important. A right diet and proper exercise is all that's needed in staying fit for the baby's delivery.
Most pregnant mothers are unenthusiastic about having exercise and restrictions on their diet. They should know that they are not just doing this for the good of the baby but also for themselves. It is relatively easier for them to get back to their sexy and voluptuous shape if they implement proper diet and exercise during pregnancy. Moreover, following these tips would make it easier for pregnant mothers.
Six Tips to Avoid Weight Gain While Pregnant
1. When planning to go on a diet, pregnant mothers should first consult their doctors. Diet and exercise plans should only be done with a doctor's supervision.
2,3166 Ugg Sheepskin Cuff Tall Black Boots. Construct a diet plan. Diet plans for pregnant moms should be nutritious and devoid of unhealthy foods like those that have high caffeine content, spice, fatty foods, alcohols, and those that have high levels of mercury.
3. Take in vitamin-rich fruits and vegetables. A healthy diet includes eating vitamin-rich fruit and vegetables like the green leafy ones, beets, and cauliflower.
4. Take in calcium. They should also have an intake on foods and drinks that are rich in calcium like milk. This diet might not sound too promising, but these sacrifices are much better than having to suffer the consequences later on. Utmost care and consideration should be given to the diet as it can affect both the mother's and the baby's health.
5. Exercise daily. Daily exercise should not be neglected in keeping fit and healthy for the baby. This could make the process of delivering the baby easier plus it avoids excess weight. The excess weight only adds strain on the back muscles, but exercise can relieve this and makes the leg and pelvic muscle stronger, helping the mother during her labor and delivery.
6. Employ moderate exercise only. Walking, yoga, and swimming are a few examples of this moderate exercise. They generally have low impact, work the muscles and keep you balanced. High-impact exercises should be avoided as it poses dangers to both the mom and the baby.
All cologne is different and it's best to match your personality and skin type
All throughout history cologne has played an important role. Throughout many different countries in the world the use of fragrance is widespread. The modern cologne that you buy today can provide a rich, wonderful scent in a relatively small bottle. The most common fragrances are rose lavender with other flowers such as iris, orchids and jasmines being commonly used,3166 Ugg Sheepskin Cuff Tall Black Boots. Spices used range from cinnamon, ginger and even pepper, which can give a man an exciting, fiery scent.
The best Cologne and fragrances enhance your love life.
The most expensive and prized ingredient in a man's cologne is musk, which is a secretion produced by the male elk. Unfortunately, the price for even a small portion of natural musk is very high, but modern scientists have identified the molecular structure of pure musk oil and can now artificially create this proven aphrodisiac at a fraction of the cost.
All cologne is different and it's best to match your personality and skin type; after all, different colognes smell differently on each man. A guideline is to apply the fragrance gently because rubbing will cause the alcohol to evaporate, thereby losing the scent.
A great perfume or fragrance is priceless extension of who you are. The lingering scent of a beautiful perfume is something people will remember for a long time.
Thursday, October 18, 2012
The hit bag this season is the shopper bag
Keeping on trend this summer is the first thing on every girls mind, after a carefully planned tanning regime of course! Getting the right look for this summer is easy, with prints, metallics and bright colours all being in vogue, ensuring no-one is left out in the style stakes.
Any outfit is instantly lifted by accessories whether they are bracelets, bangles or bags. Any style conscious girl-about town will be keeping up to date with the latest styles on US TV shows such as Gossip Girl and trying to replicate key looks from stylish festival goers. So the right accessories are a great place to start when wishing to replicate the look on a budget.
The hit bag this season is the shopper bag, or tote to those in the know. Large enough to be practical but highly stylish these bags are taking over recent designer fashion, the high street and fashion boutiques. With high profile fans such as Kate Moss, Fearne Cotton, and Chanel's Karl Lagerfeld the shopper is in,3166 Ugg Sheepskin Cuff Tall Black Boots. What makes these bags such a hit is the summer friendly vibe they exude, big enough for any occasion you can think of, where it be the park, the beach or as their name suggests shopping.
Vintage inspired fashion brand Hooch, are suggesting to fashionistas to 'Expect the Unexpected' with accessories this summer and make daring statements, such as their bold Payton Shopper Handbag. Hooch is a brand to watch, recently featured in Glamour magazine and quoted as the must have brand of the season by model and style icon Daisy Lowe.
The other great thing about the tote bag, is the stylish storage, meaning you can also be eco-friendly fitting in your purchases when shopping rather than using plastic bags.
The Hooch bold Payton Shopper Handbag can be found on Ultimate Bags website for the special price of £29.99 (£36.00 RPP):
just a week or two before a wedding
Weddings are a lot of fun, but they can also be a lot of hassle and a lot of stress. In many cases, just a week or two before a wedding, the stress is so high that the bride and groom joke about eloping. By this point, there are so many people involved in pulling off the most significant event of these two people's lives! Everyone has the best intentions and always wants the very best for the bride and groom but the phrase "many hands make for light work" does not always apply to weddings.
Here are some tips and tricks that will help you get hitched without a hitch:
· Find a person to help you plan your wedding,3166 Ugg Sheepskin Cuff Tall Black Boots. When the bride's parents and the groom's parents are planning most of the wedding, problems are sure to arise. Instead, find a trusted friend to plan the wedding and to be the primary contact for anyone who has ideas or suggestions. This will help avoid changes being made by someone without alerting other people.
· Set a budget. Add 25%. If you are paying for your wedding, expect to pay this. Weddings are notorious for having last-minute surprise expenses pop up.
· Remember this phrase and you will increase the enjoyment of your wedding: you can't please everyone! Remember that this is your wedding and the two of you are the ones who can make the final decision. You don't have to wear blue to honor your grandmother. You don't have to have tulips in your bouquet because those are your mother's favorite flower. You don't have to serve steak because that's what your dad likes to eat. This will be your wedding and you want to remember it fondly, so make your own.
· Tradition is good but your enjoyment is better. Remember, your wedding should be an expression of your love for each other, and not a tribute to age old tradition if that is not who you are.
You will look back on your wedding for the rest of your married life. For too many people it can be a miserable time because too many people unintentionally spoiled it. If you follow these helpful guidelines, you will find greater enjoyment in your wedding today and in the memories for years to come.
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Wildlife - Feed the ducks
My girlfriends and I were talking. We decided that we needed to teach the men in our lives this phrase "Romance does not equal money." The men I've talked with have been frightened off by television and movies and believe that romance is something outside of their budget. They are wrong. Romance does not equal money,3166 Ugg Sheepskin Cuff Tall Black Boots! Although an occasional diamond necklace or expensive dinner is appreciated, it is truly the day to day affection that builds romance and love.
I don't know about you, but when I think of the most romantic and breathtaking stories that girlfriends discuss over coffee, we don't talk about flying off to Europe or drinking the most expensive champagne. The little things like holding hands, reading stories together, and lots of laughter are what we hold dear. And, ladies, this list is for you, too. Initiate the following ideas with your Sweetie, and show him how much you care. The 31 ideas below are for men or women and fit every budget.
Love Notes - Leave Love Notes for your Sweetheart to find.
Pampering - Brush her hair. Scratch his back.
Wildlife - Feed the ducks, squirrels, birds, turtles or fish near you.
Games - Turn off the TV. Sit and play cards or board games together.
Cooking - Find recipes to make with your sweetheart.
Candles - Candles should be used every day -- for meals, bath time, snuggling.
Read together - Choose a book and take turns reading it to each other.
Photos - When is the last time you had a photo taken together? What are you waiting for?
Work Date - Surprise your love with a lunch date.
Stroll - Leave the TV, phone and computer behind and go on a walk together.
Spell it Out - With Sidewalk Chalk, write your names in a heart on the sidewalk where your sweetheart is sure to see it.
Entertainment - Go see a High School or College play or concert. It is affordable and fun!
Slow Dance - Turn on the radio and dance to the songs you fell in love listening to.
Star Gaze - Drive out to the country and look at the stars.
Volunteer - Choose a charity or cause that means something to both of you and work together to make the world a better place.
Love Story - Write how you met, fell in love, how you felt, what your thoughts were. You will treasure looking through these books over the years.
Love Grows - Plant a garden together. Herbs, vegetables, flowers, fruit -- anything you both like.
Cheer - Go to a High School Sporting Event.
Warm Hearts - Snuggle by a campfire or build a fire in the fireplace.
Watch the Clouds - Lay together and watch the clouds go by. Talk about the different shapes you see.
Connect - Hug, Hold Hands, Put your Arm around your Sweetheart.
Big Money - Write your Sweetheart a Check for One Million Kisses. Or make a coupon book of treats for him or her.
Window Shop - Go downtown and window shop.
Early Days - Look at photo albums of yourselves when you were kids through your dating years.
Puzzles - Do a jigsaw or crossword puzzle together.
Wish List - Both make a wish list of things that make you happy and put them in order. Hugs, dates, gifts, time together, intimacy, etc. Then look at the lists. They may surprise you.
People Watch - Sit on a bench and watch people go by. Try to guess their stories.
Play - Go to the park and swing.
Kiss - Before you part for the day, kiss for 10 seconds. It is much better than a quick peck on the cheek.
Picnic - Get take out food or make a picnic lunch. Take your time and enjoy your meal together outdoors.
Throw Rocks - Go to a pond, creek, or lake and throw rocks. Try to skip them or aim for different targets.
So, although an occasional diamond necklace or expensive dinner is nice, it is truly the day-to-day affection that builds romance and love.
but soft nuanced in-between shades.
You don't have to spend a mortgage or rent payment to have a fresh, updated wardrobe this spring and summer. All you need is a little creativity.
New stylish jewelry will add a fashionable "pop" to your Spring look for 2006.
Necklaces are making the biggest comeback and fashion statement this season. Bold in expression, the most au courant women are wearing them in layers. Metals are back in vogue, so layer them around your neck or your wrist. Adding a few well chosen pieces to your current wardrobe will spice it up and make it look fresh and new again.
Take a peek in your closet for the staples of a great spring 2006 look. Khaki pants and a crisp white button down blouse can provide the starting point of a great outfit. Layer on a multi-strand necklace with the new colors of the season. Try lily green, skyway blue or juicy melon to add a new, happy twist to a simple, neutral outfit.
Take a deep breath for Spring 2006. After several seasons of Color! Color! Color! it's time to relax just a little bit. Color this season is toned down, more muted, not pastels,3166 Ugg Sheepskin Cuff Tall Black Boots, not brights, but soft nuanced in-between shades.
Jewelry trends for Spring 2006 are about focusing on one statement piece. Select a huge or multi-strand necklace of natural gemstones or an oversized bracelet of luminous beads. Select pieces keeping in mind how their color, mood and style work together with these soft colors. Using jewelry as a focus point when choosing your outfit for the day will help you feel more chic and updated with the new fashion trends without spending a fortune.
Let your jewelry be the center of attention as you walk into the office or go out to dinner afterward. New jewelry styles are often more dynamic and exciting than the latest jacket or fabric. Layering great new jewelry with simple classic clothing staples is the European way and will help stretch your wardrobe dollar further while still looking great. You will feel beautiful, put together and more confident. Jewelry adds a spark of interest to your outfits that people will notice. So, take the time, focus on jewelry that brings your wardrobe into 2006 while making a fashion statement that won't be missed.
Fashion doesn't stop at a new dress or the latest top. Add inspiration to your own unique style through the power of jewelry.
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Thighs and Legs
Most women are quite knowledgeable and aware of what types of clothing suit their body types, and match their personalities. When it comes to creating the perfect outfits, matching tops and bottoms, shoes and handbags, most women are in their element. But often when it comes to lingerie and other intimate clothing items many women are more than a little baffled. Lingerie selections are an important and often overlooked part of any ladies personal style. It can either flatter your body and complete a look, or it can look off, out of place and out of style. Remember that good quality and attractive lingerie can be one of the best ways to flaunt your sexy figure. Here are a few tips that can help you to choose the best lingerie for you.
Breasts, Shoulders and Arms
Firstly you need to take into consideration the size of your breasts. The bust line gets a lot of attention on any woman and it needs to be properly accentuated. If you have smaller breasts you may want to consider a padded brassier or one that contains under wire for extra support. Likewise if you have large breasts you will want to avoid padded bras and go for a look that is more subtle such as lace etc.
For your arms and shoulders choose sleeve lengths and styles that are slimming and avoid anything too tight or restricting.
Thighs and Legs
If you are petite in size, choose designs that help you to create the illusion of fuller and longer legs. High cut styles help you to do this. Thongs are also extremely sexy, and can be worn by nearly any body type. They also make the leg look longer and slimmer.
For those who carry a little extra weight around the thighs or bottom, you may want to try a nightie or gown that flows loosely around the upper thigh. Try to avoid styles that are very tight around the butt or thighs. Keep the focus on your upper body by using a corset or bustier to emphasize and enhance your breasts.
Stomach, Hips and Waist
Dark colours are generally always considered slimming so go for these of you have a slightly bulging or larger tummy. Sheer garments tend to reveal every detail so choose fabrics that are more opaque to keep your tummy looking slim and contained. Again try to draw the attention away from your trouble spots by emphasizing the neck line and shoulders of your outfit.
If you feel you have a figure that it too slim try using two piece lingerie sets. These help to create the illusion of a curvy hourglass figure.
A woman s hair is her crowning glory. Make sure your outfit matches well with your hair colour and does not clash. Arrange your hair in a way that flatters your face and figure.
Accessories and props
Anything with a girly and luxurious feel is fair play when it comes to accessories and props. Silk, lace,3166 Ugg Sheepskin Cuff Tall Black Boots, ribbons, patterns, jewellery, these can all help to complete your outfit and make you feel sexy and confident.
these days less is more. That good old natural beauty is in full demand. Sure
What is it with makeup the fact is, if you're female, then you maybe like makeup at some point in your life. It almost seems like the softer sex is drawn to the material. I watched my little girl get sucked into the makeup trends. At the tender age of five, she already wanted to paint her delicate little face with eye shadow and blush,3166 Ugg Sheepskin Cuff Tall Black Boots. Yikes, what's with kids these days they want to grow up so fast My wife and I were shocked when our little lady came strolling into the living room with full-on makeup, which was applied way too think by the way. You've got to love the youngsters and their attempt at being grown up. However, let's save the infinite makeup trends for the older girls. At least let them get to sixteen first. Speaking of makeup trends, are you up to speed on the latest?
These days makeup is as prominent as ever. Although a few women out there refuse to conform, millions of others can't live without it. Have you ever seen those hardcore makeup users on the talk shows they actually wear their makeup to bed. Some will not even let their husbands see what they look like without makeup on. That's nuts! Can you imagine never even seeing what your spouse truly looks like? Regardless of the ardent makeup users, there are infinite others who enjoy the glamour of makeup trends. While a heavy layer of foundation and blush used to be all the rage back in the 80s, these days less is more. That good old natural beauty is in full demand. Sure, you can slap on a little makeup, but don't go crazy ladies. It's ideal to hold a more natural look with just a little makeup to accent your features. Caking it on will only get you insulting glares from other women.
When it comes to makeup trends, I have to admit that I like to see what a girl truly looks like. Sure, makeup can look nice if applied in moderation; however, too much may be hiding your natural beauty. It is typically expected for high school level girls to pile on the paint, but once you've hit your twenties, you may want to adopt some new and more conservative makeup rends. It's time to flaunt that natural beauty that you were born with. If you're not up to speed on the latest makeup trends, the Internet will surely provide you with a vast spectrum of solutions to all your makeup questions.
Sunday, October 14, 2012
the Man Behind Vaginoplasty by Angel Abella
The man behind a vaginoplasty procedure is known as the vaginoplasty doctor or yet a vaginoplasty expert. This personnel carries the responsibility of a woman's vaginal rejuvenation. The said vaginal surgery has the objective of rejuvenating the vaginal muscles to its original firmness. Prior to vaginal surgery, the woman's skin and muscles may be weak and loose in that area.
Any vaginoplasty doctor or vaginoplasty expert will tell you that a loose vagina is usually caused by multiple childbirths, inherited characteristics or the natural aging process. In general, anyone who is in good health condition is a possible candidate for this vaginal surgery. Your doctor / expert will be thoroughly screening the potential candidates, anyway. Women experiencing sexual malfunction like not achieving an orgasm or painful intercourse are not eligible.
A vaginoplasty doctor/expert tightens or rejuvenates the muscles in the area of the vagina. A vagina that is much opened may lead to embarrassing situations and sexual frustration,One boiled egg with a slice of wholewheat bread. For one, the woman may not be able to keep the penis of her sexual partner inside her. Sudden,and what enhances the beauty of your hand, unwanted spillover or urine leakage may also occur whenever she laughs,3166 Ugg Sheepskin Cuff Tall Black Boots, coughs or jolts.
The doctor/expert conducts the procedure in just approximately two hours. The doctor or vaginoplasty expert usually carries out traditional surgical methods. At times though, laser vaginoplasty is performed. The doctor links the expanded muscle at the rear of the vagina and cuts it down, before eradicating the unwanted skin.
Good vaginoplasty doctors/experts are able to conceal the scar produced by this procedure. They will also keep a close eye to their patients, seeing that they follow the mandatory rest after the procedure. This is because patients may feel recuperated enough to work only after a week.
Some doctors do not only focus on the aesthetic part of the vaginal surgery. Since this procedure in effect, boosts a woman's self confidence and produces higher self esteem,the Celtic Knots that embellish wedding rings herald the ideas of spring, some doctors or experts conduct surgery on the psyche. There is of course a corresponding psychological sessions and certification on this, but it's nothing very serious. This translates to counseling and treating a woman's self image and socialization with others.
Remember that the aforementioned vaginal surgery not only boosts sexual pleasure, it also improves a woman's sexuality by making her feel more youthful, more attractive on their private spot. This plus an overall counseling conducted by a vaginoplasty doctor or expert will surely bring you on the path of contentment and happiness.
yours forever.
To get attracted to the member of opposite sex is a natural phenomenon. Human beings have been made this way. Though it is very important to know that what are the laws of attraction and the secrets to attracting men. The vibes that are felt when you are attracted to someone are very strong. It is important to ascertain whether it is love or just a crush. If a person feels the same kind of attraction for every other member the opposite sex, its not love. Love is when the desirability is felt for only one woman or man.
According to the laws of attraction, opposite poles attract. The same goes for human beings too,One boiled egg with a slice of wholewheat bread. Hence it is very natural for men and women to be attracted to each other. But if you are seriously interested in one particular guy, you should act quickly so as to give him hints that he pleases you in a special way and also make him notice you.
You must be thinking how can you make him aware of you. You don't have to dance like a damsel or scream to get yourself noticed,and what enhances the beauty of your hand. You can do this in subtle ways,the Celtic Knots that embellish wedding rings herald the ideas of spring. And what after he starts taking interest in you? Then you must take steps to keep him attracted and hooked to you. Now let us see what are the laws of attraction that must be followed to attract men.
Choose the right guy
You must be very clear about the person you want to attract. You certainly should never misuse the power of luring someone to like you. For instance, you shouldn't try to attract your boss to get a promotion. After choosing the person you like, you should try to find out his likes and dislikes, not of course by asking him, but through some other means. Then you should apply his likes on yourself. For instance, you should wear his favorite perfume or dress up in his favorite color. That will definitely make his head turn around to take a look at you.
Dress sensibly
Always remember this one secret, in an attempt to please him or attract men, you shouldn't overdo things. He shouldn't find you around him all the time. All you need to do is, make him notice you once, then show him that you are busy in your work. This will make him curious about you. You should act very cool and casual.
Keep him waiting
The man will love to chase you after you have successfully made him draw towards you. He will be curious about you and will come looking for you. Then all you have to do is, find a permanent place in his heart. Once you cross the difficult road to attract your man, he is sure to become your destiny. So follow the laws of attraction and make the person you like, yours forever,3166 Ugg Sheepskin Cuff Tall Black Boots.
Saturday, October 13, 2012
* Ergonomic Design
Smooth sleek hair is a very popular look and thanks to Hair Flat Irons this style is easy for the average women to achieve. There are many different flat iron plate sizes,spectacularly decreases hot flashes and night sweats in as little as 15 days, each with its own advantages and disadvantages.
With so many different sized hair irons,Steven Alan, it is important to understand that the texture and length of hair as well as your desired look depends greatly on the plate size you choose. If you have short hair you should select a 3/8 through 1 straightening iron. Longer hair demands a larger plate size, I recommend 1 ½ to 2 ¼. One of my favorite sizes is the 1 ¼, because it is so versatile. It allows you to style almost any length hair and achieve any look you want. It is small enough, enabling you to create tons of volume close to your roots and is large enough to effectively straighten a full head of hair in a reasonable amount of time.
Another styling benefit of a 1 ¼ straightening iron is that it can also be used it to add soft curls, waves or flips. For this type of thermal styling make sure to purchase a flat iron with curved plate edges and solid ceramic plates. This will help to prevent snagging and creases in the hair.
I only recommend professional grade flat irons, because they feature all of the most sophisticated technologies and quality components. Better made thermal tools ensure exceptional styling result, faster heat up, consistent temperatures, multiple heat settings,3166 Ugg Sheepskin Cuff Tall Black Boots, and solid ceramic plates which prevent hot spots, the leading cause of breakage and thermal damage,Age of guests.
Best low cost professional hair iron: HAI Convertable Ceramic Flat Iron - 1 1/4" This unique iron creates countless styles including straight, curly or flipped on all hair types. Featuring nano tourmaline infused ceramic plates, this tool seals the cuticle and locks in moisture with negative ions and far infrared rays; leaving hair healthy, shiny and beautiful.
Features Include:
* Sapphire Ceramic Plates
* Floating Plates
* Adjustable Temperature Settings
* Ergonomic Design
* Consistent Heat
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Vitamin C Can Prevent Pregnancy Complication
Women who supplement their diet with a small amount of vitamin C during the second half of pregnancy reduce their risk of one contributor to premature birth, according to the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (2005;81:85963).
The end of pregnancy and the beginning of the birth process is marked by rupture of the walls (membranes) of the sac that holds the growing fetus and the amniotic fluid. A healthy pregnancy usually lasts about 40 weeks. Premature birth occurs when the membranes rupture and birth begins before 37 weeks of pregnancy. Smoking, vaginal infection,spectacularly decreases hot flashes and night sweats in as little as 15 days, and poor maternal nutrition can all increase the risk of premature rupture of the membranes (PROM). PROM occurs in 10 to 20% of pregnancies worldwide and is the most common cause of premature births. Babies born prematurely face many health risks: their underdeveloped lungs do not function properly, they are highly susceptible to infections, and they have difficulty nursing.
Studies have suggested that inadequate levels of vitamin C in the cells of pregnant women might be linked to increased PROM risk. Vitamin C, an antioxidant nutrient found in fruits and vegetables, plays an important role in the production and repair of connective tissues throughout the body and is believed to be critical to the maintenance of the fetal sac membranes. In one study, women with high dietary intake of vitamin C were less likely to experience PROM than women with low intake. The effect of vitamin C supplementation on risk of PROM has not been previously studied,Steven Alan.
In the current study, 120 healthy women who were less than 20 weeks pregnant were randomly assigned to receive either 100 mg of vitamin C per day or placebo. Each woman was evaluated upon entry to the study and every four weeks from week 20 of their pregnancy until delivery. PROM incidence was 74% lower in the women taking vitamin C than in the women receiving placebo (7.69% versus 24,3166 Ugg Sheepskin Cuff Tall Black Boots.5%). The incidence of premature births was also lower in the vitamin C group than in the placebo group (13.4% versus 24%); however,Age of guests, this 44% reduction in risk was not statistically significant because of the small number of people studied.
The results of this study suggest that supplementing with vitamin C can reduce the risk of PROM. Since PROM is involved in more than 40% of all premature births, it is possible that small amounts of supplemental vitamin C might help prevent premature births. A larger study is needed to determine this more definitively.
To find out more about Vitamin C and its health benefits, visit .
Friday, October 12, 2012
if you have a great concealer and foundation on hand
Concealer is a form of makeup that is used to mask unsightly blemishes, pimples, and discolorations on the face as well as dark circles under the eyes, more commonly known as raccoon eyes. Foundation is first applied all over the face to create a flawless tone and skin coloring. Then, concealer works to blend in to the surrounding foundation as it hides blemishes. Concealer can help to even out your skin tone and mask unsightly flaws,alongside other treatments. Concealer is different from foundation whereas concealer is often thicker because it holds more pigment and color than foundation. However, concealer is almost always paired with the use of foundation to ensure overall perfection.
If you suffer from any red patches, dry areas, yellow, green or blue discolorations on your face, blemishes, pimples or bruising, it is a good idea to invest in a concealer to work alongside your foundation. If you only use foundation, often times it will highlight the problem areas and blemishes instead of hiding them. Concealer can help to finish the job that your foundation was unable to get.
To choose the right shade of concealer, it is recommended to choose at least one shade lighter than the foundation that you use. Using concealer that is a shade lighter can help you blend it into your foundation for a flawless finish. There are a variety of concealer shades available to choose from including light skin and golden undertones to dark skin with neutral undertones, and every shade in between. There are also other shades of concealer that are specifically meant to contrast a certain color or type of blemish. For example, concealer is available in shades of blue and green which are meant to contrast against any red patches found on your skin. Red patches can be caused by pimples, broken blood vessels, capillaries, or rosacea. You can also purchase a purple concealer, which will counteract yellow discolorations on your skin as it brightens up your sallow or shallow complexion. Another shade of concealer that is available is white. White concealer can help to hide dark circles and bruises, and can also help to highlight and brighten up an otherwise dull skin tone.
Concealer is a product that is meant to be applied sparingly,The token bracelets. You do not need much concealer to cover even a large-sized blemish. It is wise to start out with a little bit of concealer as you start to blend it in gently into the surrounding areas. If you need a bit more coverage, apply a little bit more of the concealer and blend it in. Keep doing this until your blemish or skin issue is completely covered and you are left with flawless skin.
There are many different types of concealers that range in color and weight. Concealer is available in different textures from a very light powder to a heavier paste. However, the heavier the concealer, the heavier the coverage will be on your face and blemishes. You can opt for choosing a lightweight concealer, such as mineral make up, which will work just as well, if not better, than the heavy paste concealers. Mineral make up works exceptionally well at covering up blemishes and problem areas on your skin. Since mineral make up is so light and airy, it tends to work well with any skin type. Paired with mineral make up foundation, a mineral concealer will work well by reflecting light differently and helping to hide unsightly defects,resentful or annoyed. Then decide not to allow what others think to influence your actions.,3166 Ugg Sheepskin Cuff Tall Black Boots.
Unwanted blemishes can really put a damper on your day, especially if you have just discovered a new pimple hours before you have an important event to attend. It seems that this always happens when you have somewhere important to go. However, if you have a great concealer and foundation on hand, you can easily cover up the unwanted blemish and carry on with your day worry-free. No one else will even know that you have covered up a blemish, especially with the help of a perfectly applied, lightweight, tone correcting concealer.
Concealer can even work for people who suffer from other skin issues such as oily skin. Mineral make up is the best choice for people with oily skin, especially for concealer. Heavy concealers can actually clog the pores by not allowing the skin to breathe. Mineral make up is perfect because it allows the skin to breathe while providing ample coverage that allows you to hide those unwanted blemishes, without exacerbating the skin issue you are already dealing with. You can cover unwanted blemishes as they appear and have them stay covered all day with mineral make up solutions that are overall better for your skin.
alongside other treatments
Infertility is a disability. It is the inability to have an offspring despite a long time of trying, possibly a year or even more. Most couples really want to increase the chances of conceiving a child. But these people who deal with infertility feel stressed because it puts pressure on them emotionally. It can also cost them a lot, in terms of money and in terms of indirect costs. As a result, many couples try to engage in natural fertility options, especially if other methods are too costly and they do not need a drastic procedure or process. One such fertility treatment that is recommended by those who have tried is acupuncture.
Acupuncture is a procedure that originated from China and is popular in the Eastern culture. It uses thin needles to put pressure on specific points in the body. It aims to realign the body's natural chi or balance. In the process of placing the acupuncture needles,The token bracelets, stress and other negative feelings and energy are said to be released out of the body,3166 Ugg Sheepskin Cuff Tall Black Boots. It is said to free up the blockages in the body flow. Despite some people considering acupuncture as a non-conventional treatment, studies have shown that acupuncture has a lot of positive results such as release of hormones like endorphins. This allows more relaxation and decrease of blood pressure in the body. Acupuncture also helps in increasing blood flow and decreasing infections in the body by stimulating the immune system.
Acupuncture as a form of infertility treatment has been observed. Acupuncture reduces the headaches, migraine and fatigue of people. It also reduces infertility stress. Also, acupuncture has shown to be quite effective in treating infertility if the problem in the body is that some parts of the reproductive system are not functioning properly. In females, these cases include hormonal imbalances, ovary problems, etc. In males, acupuncture seems to help with problems such as erectile dysfunction, impotence, low sperm count and the likes. Acupuncture also seems to compliment other forms of infertility treatment. This is the case wherein females undergo assisted reproductive technology. A study has shown that women who engage in the technology while undergoing acupuncture treatment were more likely to get pregnant,resentful or annoyed. Then decide not to allow what others think to influence your actions.. A study has also shown that acupuncture, alongside other treatments, produced better quality sperm,How can they combat environmental pollutants.
Acupuncture is not as costly as other treatment procedures. It does not take up much time as it does not require surgical procedures. It also does not disrupt daily activities. Also, acupuncture is easily accessible and in some cases, insurance cover these kinds of treatment. But when engaging in acupuncture as an infertility treatment, it is best to consult with a doctor. It is possible that acupuncture may not be the best treatment.
Thursday, October 11, 2012
it is imperative that you dont have any background noises
The biggest challenge for any work-at-home Mom is to present their business in a professional manner to potential clients or customers. On a daily basis, WAHMs strive to present a positive image of themselves and their business.
How can a work-at-home Mom promote this positive image? A great way to accomplish this goal is through podcasting,3166 Ugg Sheepskin Cuff Tall Black Boots. It has been said that the greatest advertising for any business is positive word-of-mouth. The best way to accomplish this goal is with podcasting because it gives you a voice.
Podcasting allows WAHMs to share their expertise, knowledge and even personality with potential clients. If you decide to podcast,With color, you will be promoting your business in the best way possible.
When a possible client or customer listens to your podcast, they will hear your voice. As a result, they will develop a bond and trust in you over time. Subsequently, this will build more customers for your business.
When you are doing your podcast, dont be afraid to share too much knowledge. If you hold back information, this could potentially hurt you and the image that people will have of your business. Your potential customers or clients will judge you based on the information that you share in your podcast. Thus,Lets face it. There are several natural ways to tighten skin, the most important element is to share valuable information.
An important element to keep in mind is that your podcast should not be an entire commercial for your business. If you do this, people will be turned off and they will turn off your podcast. You should strive to share helpful information with your audience. As a result, they will appreciate your sincerity and integrity. It is perfectly acceptable to share all of your business and contact information with your audience at the end of your podcast.
As a work-at-home Mom who is podcasting, you will build positive name recognition within your particular niche. The audience will look to you as an expert within your particular field. Consequently, this is the greatest promotion for any business.
The ultimate goal is to stand out above your competition. Is your competition podcasting? They are probably not podcasting and dont realize the tremendous positive impact that this could have on their business.
When you record your podcast, it is imperative that you dont have any background noises (children, pets, television,our past, radio, etc.) This could potentially distract your listeners and they might turn your show off. Your goal is to present the best possible image that you can to potential clients.
As a WAHM, professionalism is critical to your success. Podcasting can be the greatest element for your business if it is done in the appropriate manner.
If you take the necessary steps to produce a professional podcast with valuable information, you will see an increase in clients and customers over time.
Single Strap
The wonders of a multiway bra are oft cited yet lots of people do not even understand what one is let alone how to wear them. Basically, a multiway bra is a bra with detachable or adjustable straps that allow it to be worn in a number of different ways. This means that you can alter it to wear with all sorts of different outfits for which an ordinary bra would be unsuitable - even awkward party outfits. Here's a run down on the ways that you can wear a multiway bra and the type of outfits it can work with,With color.
Whilst the majority of multiway bras can be worn strapless, it should be pointed out that not all can, so make sure your bra can do what you need it to do before you buy. If they can be worn strapless they will usually have a silicone strip along in the inside of the top cup. This helps the bra to stick to you skin and not slip down. To wear your bra strapless, simply unhook both shoulder straps front and back. If your bra fits correctly you will still get a great level of support, no matter what your cup size. With a good strapless bra you now have the freedom to wear prom dresses and boob tube tops and still have a pert silhouette.
Racer Back
A racer back top is one where the back cuts in at the shoulder blades,Lets face it. There are several natural ways to tighten skin, which would reveal your bra straps if you wear a normal bra. This type of vest top gives a sporty look, and it's a shame to have your bra straps on show. Luckily, if you have a multiway bra you can make it work for this type of top. Starting with the bra straps in a normal position, leave them attached at the front but unhook them at the back. Then cross over the back straps and attach them at the opposite sides. You now have a crossover back bra that's perfect for wearing with racer back tops. You may need to extend the length of your bra straps when you do this.
Halterneck tops and dresses give a very sexy look, whether it's a high-necked style or a sweetheart neckline that shows of your cleavage. As this style loops behind your neck showing off all of your upper back, you really can't wear a normal bra with the. Going strapless is an option but adapting a multiway bra will give you a better shape and more security. To adapt your bra you only need one bra strap so remove one altogether. Extend the remaining strap to its fullest length and attach it to both sides of the front of the bra so you have loop to put your head through. You now have a halterneck bra that will give you an incredible cleavage!
Single Strap
One sleeve dresses are so fashionable right now and definitely call for a good bra,3166 Ugg Sheepskin Cuff Tall Black Boots. If you don't feel comfortable going strapless you can simply remove one strap from your multiway bra and voila! You're ready to go,our past. If the shape of your top or dress will allow, try fastening the strap from the other side at the front, so that it goes diagonally across your front then straight down your back. This will give you better shape and support. You will need to extend the length of your bra strap to do this though.